Peony Beach

The ride back to the RV was mercifully short.  The entire time, I barely did anything.  One man was supporting me from the front and the other supported me from the back.  They did not trust that I could stand on my own.

It was a good thing they were supporting me because some time during the ride back, I fell unconscious.

When I finally came to, I was lying in a hospital room.

No one was around me although I was surrounded by equipment, monitoring everything about me. 

"You're finally awake."  A voice called out from the doorway.  I looked up. 

"Rafael!"  I smiled.

"Oh my Sweet Child."  He gasped.  In two long strides, he was by my side, gathering me into his arms.

"We were so worried about you."

"What happened, did I fall off the hoverboard?  Why am I in the hospital ward?"

"You don't remember?"

I searched back into my memories.

"I remember standing on top of a redwood tree."

Rafael nodded.