The Police

7:13 am

It was the next morning, police officers were at their desks doing paperwork, and/or eating breakfast that was picked up on their way to work or made at home. Hannah was sleeping on a chair with her head on an empty desk while she uses her arms as a pillow and a grey blanket on her back. The groceries that Michael bought were beside the desk that she was sleeping on, as for Michael, he was walking back into the office room that Michael was sleeping in with a cup of hot coffee. He had woken up from his sleep at 7:03 am, as he would usually wake up at 7:00 to get ready for work and to catch the train.

Michael sat down on the chair his suit coat was draped over, next to Hannah and pulled out his phone. He started drinking his coffee as he looked through his emails to see if he got a response from HR, though to be fair, Michael sent the email at around midnight last night. He didn't see any new ones, he refreshed the inbox to see if he got one, and it showed the same results the first time he saw his emails. He checked the spam section and found nothing new, besides an ad for travelling to exotic places like Greece, Egypt, or some places in Asia, and seeing some of the tourist attractions like areas to eat, shrines or temples to visit, and places to go to such as a beach, and hotels. Michael turn off his phone and kept drinking his coffee as he continued to wait for Hannah's parents to show up. He then began thinking of what he was going to have for breakfast, and if he was even allowed to go out to get something to eat.


I was sitting in a cushion chair that was next to Hannah, who had woken up about five-ish minutes ago. I heard an audible growl coming from Hannah's stomach and she said that she was hungry for breakfast. Thankfully one of the cops noticed this and bought her breakfast from a nearby fast food place that serves breakfast. I had asked the same police officer if they could watch her while I got something to eat, and thankfully they were okay with that. I left and went to look for a place I could get takeout that would still be considered breakfast and close enough that they wouldn't think I abandoned Hannah at the police station.

In the end, I just decided to go to the same place that the police officer got Hannah's food from. I walked in and could smell the scent of eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns in the back. There were a few people inside and after ordering, I'm currently waiting in line. My number was called and I grabbed my order and started walking back to the police station. I got back there and Hannah was still in the same spot where I had left her, but she was playing with one of those plastic toys you get from fast food places. It was the type of toy that would walk when the key was turned all the way. I walk back to where I was sitting before and begin taking out my food. I look at the sausage Mcmuffin and took a bite out of it. It has been a while since I last had something from McDonald's, and the meal tastes like heaven.

"Excuse me?" a voice said. I turned my head towards the voice and it was a police officer that was scratching the back of their head and had a nervous look on their face. The man had slightly faded black hair, blue eyes, and a medium build. "There is something I want to tell you in private, do you mind coming with us?" the police officer asked. I swallow what was in my mouth "Uh, sure?" I said. I put my breakfast down and followed him out of the office I was staying at and into another office where one of the police officers from last night was sitting at a desk and when they saw me, they gave a short friendly smile, like the kinda stranger would give you as they passed by. The office was like any other: desk, metal cabinets, a few chairs, one on one end of the desk and two on the other. There were plaques on the wall next to medals, and police patches in frames behind the desk. I heard the door behind me close, and I was left alone with the police officer. I walk to the police desk and he gives me a gesture to sit down.

"Hello I am Sargent Yukio, I was one of the officers that arrested the thief last night. While you were gone to get your breakfast, I asked Hannah some questions about her parents and all she said was her dad's name was Jimmy, and her mother's name was Sadie. We searched for them in our database, but we couldn't find anyone with those names." he said. I was taken aback a little, but I managed to regain my composure before anyone could notice. "What does this mean?" I asked.

"It means that she may be lying about who she is or she genuinely doesn't know. We can try to ask her some more questions. But that's not why I asked you to come here. I was wondering if she could stay at your house for a few days until we know more." the police officer said. "I don't think that's possible, I mean I have space and I will need to get her a few things, but I can't leave her alone all day while I go to work." I explain, with some concern. "She's probably six or seven years old, you could ask for someone to take care of her while you are away, or hire a nanny." he said.

"If not, then we can contact your superior at your workplace and tell them that you need to take some time off to help with an investigation. " he said. "Is that even allowed?" Michael asked. "Technically yes, as you were the one who brought the girl to the station, all though it was for a different reason, we can contact your workplace and you can take about three or four days at most. If we can't find anything after that, then we will have to assume that her parents have gone missing or are dead and she will be placed in a foster home, and you will have to go back to work as usual." The police officer explained. "Well if it's for a few more days, then I guess I can have her at my apartment. What would happen to Hannah if her parents were murdered?" I asked.

"Then their killer is still on the loose and Hannah will have to go to a foster home, but she will be under police protection. This means that we will have to keep an eye on her and send a few of our guys undercover over there in order to make sure nothing happens. If nothing happens after some time, then our guys will come back and we don't have to worry about her anymore." The police officer said. They started writing down a bunch of numbers on a notepad and ripped it off, handing it to me. I grab it and see that it's a phone number. I look back at them. "If you run into any trouble contact this number and we will be able to help." They said. "Okay, thank you, officer..." "Kamata, my name is officer Kamata." He said.

I nod and left the office and went back to Hannah, who is still playing with her new toy. "Hey Hannah, it's time to go." I said. She stops playing with her toy and looks at me. "Am I going home? Can I see mom and dad?" She asks. "Not yet, you have to stay with me for a bit." I said, trying to explain to her. "You're going to stay over at my home for a little while. Is that okay?" I said. She then shifted in her seat and had a nervous look on her face. "I-I want to see my mom and dad." she told me. "I know you do, but….they…..uh…..went out of town to….visit some family. They'll be back in a few days." I told her.

What I said worked as she seemed to calm down. "How about you grab your things and we'll go shopping for a few things, then we will head home." I said. I turned around before I could get an answer from her and hear her say okay as I put my suit coat back on and grab my briefcase and the bag with my energy drinks and ramen, with Hannah's sweets. I look back to see her and with her plastic toy in hand. I put my suitcase back down and lend a hand out to her. "Here, I'll put it in my bag with your sweets and you can carry the bag." I told her. She shook her head. "No, I'll hold on to my toy, you can hold onto my candy." she said. I look back to my suitcase and grab it with my free hand again, and walk out of the police station with Hannah.


In a CEO's office was a man with dark skin and short grey hair and beard, looking out the clear window with his blue eyes and looking across the city, in deep thought. The man wears a fancy white suit with a black tie and black leather shoes. A ringing could be heard from the phone line on his desk, breaking the silence. He snaps out of his thoughts and walks over to his desk and sits down on his leather chair and picks up the phone, answering the phone line. "Sir, this is Peggie. You wanted me to remind you that you are meeting with the board of directors in thirty minutes." she informed him. "Thank you, Peggie." He responded. The man put the phone back on the phone line.

He pulls out his phone, which lights up, showing the lockscreen. The image was the man in casual wear, with his arm around the shoulder of a younger version of himself dressed in casual wear as well. A faint ringing could be heard in the room and he looks at the drawer on his desk. He looks around and then pulls the drawer open and puts some of the contents on his desk and removes a part of the drawer. He reaches in and pulls out a burner phone, and answers it. "Hello." he said. "We have a problem." A female voice said.