10. Home

"Alight, now that the time is up hand your papers forward, you five can head off to a study hall for the remainder of the day." Asher randomly circled his last class and handed the paper forward. He cursed himself as he did so since he had no idea what he had just chosen.

"Well I guess I can always switch if I don't like what I chose." The exasperated sigh he had released most of the tension he had having to choose. The five left and headed to the library to work on homework before they could leave. The study hall passed faster than the rest of the day had.

The last bell rang out to release the student for the day, "Finally! We can go home and brag about our powers!" Art was the only one excited about leaving since he was the only one who had a firm and positive grasp on his powers. Jane was actually afraid to tell her parents about hers since she would have to explain that she needed to hide her face from them. Asher was much the same, he had no idea what to say about his power.

Art ran off in the opposite direction as Asher and Jane. Surprisingly Jane walked next to Asher for some time. "So you live this way too huh?"

"Yes my family has a condo just three blocks down. Are you in this area too?"

"Yes I am actually right here!" Asher pointed out the house just on their left.

"Oh Asher, you sure made it home quick. Who is your friend there? Already bringing a girl home on your first day?"

Jane and Asher immediately got red faced, the only thing was no one could see Jane's reaction since she still had her face covered. "Mom no, this is Jane, she lives down the road. I will see you tomorrow in class. Let's go inside mom!" Asher dragged his mom inside trying to get her away from Jane before she said anything else embarrassing.

Jane stood there for a few minutes trying to slow her beating heart. "Ahh what if he had really brought me home to his parents." She fell in to her own day dream the last five minutes to her own home.

"Well I don't know why you didn't invite that young lady in for a drink, especially if she lives so close. By the way, why is he face covered? Is she OK?"

"She has a unique power, anyone who looks at her freezes in place so she covered her face to avoid causing anyone trouble."

Asher's mother smiled sweetly, "She is such a dear, caring about others like that. Maybe she will be a doctor in the future with that kind of thinking!" Asher's mother was still hard to grasp, she was just too different between his two sets of memories. He found an excuse to head upstairs and clean up before dinner. Asher was going to avoid telling his family what his power was at all costs, who could look his own parents in the eyes and say "Hey I don't know what my power does so basically I don't have one" He would be a stain on their family name and even worse they may end up hating him just like in his other world. Asher was paralyzed by this thought.

Soon the sounds of his sister coming home and chatting with his mother were clear. This put Asher even more on edge. This only increased when a short while later his father came inside and started asking how his sister's day was. How would he make it through an entire dinner and keep his power under wraps.

"Asher come on down! I made tacos to celebrate you getting your evo shot today!" His mother shouted up the stairs to him so that he would come down. This was it his mortal weakness; his favorite food, Tacos!

Unable to resist the sweet smell of soft tacos and melted cheese he slowly descended the stairs to see the full spread of food for dinner. "Hurry up mom and dad said we can;t eat until you tell us about your evo shot!" Cara gave him a shout after seeing him stop at the foot of the stairs.

Asher swallowed and slowly took steps to the dinner table and pulled out a chair. He had no idea how to explain that he was basically useless when it came to super powers and wanted to be a hero since his classmates had talked him in to it. He was so gullible.

"Now tell us how everything went. What did the doctor say about your powers when they evaluated you? When I was a kid in school I was lucky to have a nurse with the ability to analyze super power, she wrote down a description and everything!" Asher's father was getting caught up in his own memories of school.

"Honey, we are waiting to hear from Asher About his powers not to relive your birthday." Asher's mother scolded his father but neither of them seemed angry in the least.

"Well how can I not remember the day when we first met? It will forever live in my heart." This was gross, they were both getting gooey over the day they met in high school. This was torture. Although it was strangely warm, Asher had never experienced a family like this.

"Mom, Dad, if we aren't going to eat soon I might diieeee" Cara was losing her patience waiting for the two love birds to finish up being over over dramatic.

"Fine fine, we can start eating while Asher talks, I am sure he's plenty excited." His father got much more serious. "So tell us what was it all like?"

Asher had built up a little courage but still could not help but drag things out, his family was about to go back to hating him after all. He looked down at his empty plate and started to speak,