83. Challenge

"What makes you think someone else could possibly find that off trail route you took?" Garnet was looking at Asher like he had just proposed a foolish idea.

"Well I am sure people won't just find it, they will ask me and I will show them." His smug smile made Onyx want to yell at him but it was a loss, there really was a way to get up the top of the cliff without real climbing.

"Fine. You can have the points. But you need to climb down the cliff on your own." Onyx was still pretty sour about the entire incident. He wanted revenge so he challenged Asher to climb down the cliff he had to carry Asher down before.

Asher made a move toward the way they had just come but found that Garnet and Onyx both moved to block him. "Don't think you can get away that easily. You started this."

Garnet was looking at him with the same smug grin he had had just a moment ago. 'Well, I messed up. This is the end for me. My gravestone will read Asher fell from a cliff and went splat.'