91. Style

"What do you mean you want to compete.? Weren't you just asking for help? You can't be faster at finding it if I am helping you find it." Asher's confused voice made it sound like he was questioning all of Laura's brain power.

"Fine if you don't want to help then I will just find it first and you won't have a chance." This confused Asher even more since the idea of helping was now out the window.

"What are you playing at? Mind games?' Laura made a nervous smile. 'This girl really is trying to play mind games. She wants the luxury cabin that much?'

"I'm just wondering, you know out of curiosity, how was your night last night?" His questing seemed to be the last thing that Laura wanted him to ask.

"Oh, you know slept like a log. Well look at this, I am out of food. Time to go look for that golden egg." She was gone before Asher could even try to tease her and play his own mind games.