134. Showing off Style

"Oh, so you want to show off your lack of strength that bad?" Asher figured that if they weren't going to actually spar he might as well taunt the member of the body sculpting club.

"Like you would know! We can lift way more than you." The rebuttal was weak and Asher couldn't help to press on.

"I would have thought you and your members would have gone to a different camp. Here you have to do real body training. Not the flimsy vanity muscles you have. If you wanted to look pretty just use makeup or photoshop." This hit the boy's ego hard.

"What would you know? You're was too scrawny looking to even put up a proper fight." The rebuttal was again weak, but it was enough to get Garnet's attention back from the others.

"Fine if you two are going to bicker like an old married couple then, fight!" Garnet announced the beginning and the two finally started in to their fighting stances. Her attention finally forced back on them like Asher's opponent wanted.