164. Just Now

"Fight!" The call went out and the two moved in. They circled each other to get a view of their opponents' weak points. Art had half expected the boxing club member to rush in but now that the match started the members' personality changed.

Art stayed back and held himself ready. He was waiting for the right moment to dash forward and use the force he had to end the match in an instant. The first move came in the form of a test jab. The fighting style of the boxing club member was very cautious making Art bite his tongue. He wanted to jump in and end thus but the arrogant kid was better than expected.

Art didn't need much effort to dodge these hits and responded with a slow jab and slow sweeping kick. He wanted to bait him in to attack instead of just let him feel out his own style. The boxing club member sped up his hits slowly as if he was slowly starting. It was a style that would make his opponent feel more and more pressured at the risk of using more stamina.