171. Doctor Doctor

"Jackson! You have a challenger. Come over here and show them how to patch up a sprained wrist and minor cut." Garnet's voice boomed through the sparring field getting Jackson's attention.

He turned to see that there were three students laying on the ground with various injuries. Jackson put some energy in to his feet and ran over to where they were. "These three decided that they were going to try some team match whatever and managed to cause a little problem with their super powers."

Garnet was looking at the three and shook her head again. She thought the idea to try and mix super powers was bad in general when someone couldn't control them well enough. But here at camp where they were trying to learn in a faux combat situation was already a bad idea.

Jackson was already looking at the three and aw that one was only a little bruised. "I will fix up my friend here. You can try to fix up the guy that challenged us and prove that you are as smart as the counselor says you are."