185. Fried

"Hehehe you're my ticket to freedom brat. Just stand there and let me take you for a walk." Asher could tell that the fake criminal was a staff member because they still wore the same armbands that the staff wore. It was a nice touch to add to the costume since some of the less observant campers wouldn't be able to notice them. This was even harder for those that were not like Jane or Asher who would have better sight in the dark due to the night vision glasses. 

"Yeah, as much as you think you're gonna scare me, you're nit. But I will make things a little tough for you if you try anything." The staff member was slightly thrown off by the clam tone of ASsher's voice.

"Smart mouth you got there, but won't change your fate." The staff member in the prison attire jumped at him and managed to find the tree root in front of Asher.