201. Calcium

The three of them continued their rotation with training super powers, working out, then resting. The elite home gym system had already adjusted based on the fact that they added the academics free app and was now asking them study questions from where they should have been in school. 

"The math is definitely the hardest one. Trying to do it in my head while I do squats or kicks is like trying to fly without wings." Art was being a little over dramatic but Jane and Asher had already noticed he was trying harder than ever. 

"Math? Hard? No, it's the science that is getting to me. I can't just sit here and explain the characteristics of an element off the top of my head. The only reason I know some of them is because you have been learning about metals for weeks." Asher was equally challenged with this new set up and wanted to take a break. Unfortunately for him, the free academics app was challenging them in increments through the day.