207. Trapped

Yup, so don't tell the other campers. It is supposed to be a day where you show off what you have been learning. What you like to do in camp, and a good chance to use up your points." Garnet had always loved this day but could not help but remember the p[ast. It was a bittersweet day and not just because it was the end of that round of campers. 

"I wonder if my mom and dads will come. They really don't like the woods. They are city people for sure." Jane was already wondering what he parents would look like in the city clothing while standing in the first. 

"Knowing my parents they will probably send Cara and go on a date day. They could really use it though so I won't be angry when it happens." In asher's memories, there were many times this had happened. It was always events that were not extremely important so it was never a problem. If Asher had asked they would be there in a heart beat.