217. Taking The Space

Asher ducked and jumped over the last wires to find that he was standing at the very end of the wire filled hallways. He had successfully made it out without being zapped and could only thank the hours of training he had done. Jane was also showing her strength and experience in training by already being halfway through the moving wire section. 

Unfortunately, Art was not having the same kind of experience. "Stupid Wires, Ah! Again, really!?" Art had been zapped for the tenth time and was only at the second section. He was moving as fast as he could but he didn't have the same flexibility as Asher and Jane. 

"Stop crying about it and hurry up. I am going to pass-Ah!" Laura was trying to tease Art and push him forward faster when her leg grazed a wire and gained a nice zap. She had eaten her own words and proved why this was the hardest obstacle for her. She was trying to move too fast and was not able to properly adjust her body.