225. Level Six

Asher expertly dodged the first one that was shot towards his shoulder. The second bouncy ball stood no chance against him and was easily swatted toward the targets. Unfortunately, it missed the target but still showed off the skillful reflexes he had been growing. 

The next two were fired before he could fall back in to his stance again making him dive top slap the second bouncy ball. This time it ended up miraculously on target. The clicking of the barrels as the level went up again made Asher scramble to get back in to his stance and ready. He knew that things were heating up now and he would need to try harder than before. 

The next level fired three of the bouncy balls all in the same direction making him hesitate for a moment. He didn't know if this was lucky or not but he managed to spin and slap them, all at once. The resounding three clicks at once drew everyone's attention. This had not happened to any of them and the sound was odd.