227. Wall

The three were eager to return and finally rest. They had already eaten one of the vitamin packs and realized it made them feel extremely full. "I'm pretty sure if anyone ever ate two of these they would explode!" Jane was ready to fall in to a food coma from this.

"No, we can't just sleep. We need to follow the elite home gym systems steps to stretching and relaxing." Asher didn't want them to miss the important step which would help their muscles relax and heal. "I'm hitting the shower. If you are both asleep when I get back I'm logging in to tour studying accounts and setting up quizzes." 

This warning was enough for the two to forcefully ignore their current tiredness and focus on some flash cards. 

The elite home gym system lead each of them through a stretching routine then suggested multiple medicinal shampoos and body washed which assisted in repairing from harsh work outs.