237. Tournaments

Cara and Asher made their way to the camp store and fought their way through many campers using the last of their points as well. The staff members were running around doing their best to deal with it all that they were extremely thankful to have Asher who came up and said exactly what he wanted and how many. His order had been the most simple yet. 

"Come on, we can catch the bus they set up to take us back in to the city. Just let Art know that he should meet up at the entrance." Cara was sure to keep them moving on. She wanted to go and explore the camp a little bit to remember her time there but knew that it would be of no help to either of them.

"Why do I have the feeling that you are pushing to go home so much so that you can keep playing with the home gym app…" Asher saw right through Caras' intentions.