278. Mall Finds

"Wait, but I need to go to the other shop to use my gift to get new modified gear." Cara had been trying to argue her way to her freedom. However, the other girls had teamed up and dragged her all the way to the summer wear store without any room for her to escape. 

"Just face it, we are getting bathing suits first." Jane wasn't letting Cara argue either. 

"Just come with us. If you run off on your own then all of us will need to pick out a bathing suit for you." Sammy threw this dangerous idea at Cara who wouldn't let this happen in a million years. She knew all too well that if she allowed it she would either end up in some dive suit or with something she could never wear in public. 

"It's better to just go with it. We have plenty of time and if you have been ahead on homework like everyone else we shouldn't have anything to worry about. Unless you have a date or something." Laura couldn't see what Cara was so averse to doing this first.