316. Slowing Down

Jackson was not a complete fool. He had long started to memorize the patterns that Laura used when she moved around to attack. She had a bad habit of falling in to the same ones every angle day at practice. This was so much so that the others had started to purposefully move at random to force her to change. 

When Laura moved again he swiped out with a jab narrowly missing Laura again. "I get closer every single time." He couldn't help but to smile. He was having a lot of fun and could not help but feel the energy and excitement building. 

With his heart pounding, Jackson pushed onwards. He went on the offensive and tried to lash out with a few kicks and punches. They were all misses but he felt that he was throwing Laura off. When she would stop he saw that there was a very annoyed expression all over her face. This meant that when he pushed her enough she would lose her focus and be open to a good hit.