356. Morning After

"I got ice. There's a girl over there that can make snow and even a little hail with water condensing from the air and a whole bunch of other science stuff. It's pretty cool, we might be able to combo our super powers together, but yeah, here's some ice." Sammy was a little excited since she had found a new possible friend. But mostly because she had managed to find someone who could make ice for Asher, Art, and Tamara. 

"Thanks, Sammy. Nice find." Art was the happiest to feel the ice on his sprained ankle. Jackson had forced him to get it splinted even though it wasn't broken. However, since everyone backed Jackson up, Art was the only one left to sit and argue. 

"Are you really sure that we shouldn't  have her tied up or something?" Louis was waiting for Tamara to start moving the shadows again and try to take them out for the on board computer. She had the ability to take them all out in a few moments if she decided to.