386. Rising Stars

"Bro, you are trying too hard. You need to lower your level then push up with your heels, not your toes." Art had found a move to use a proper uppercut. Since it was a common fighting move in many games, he had ended up challenging Asher to see who could learn it first. Naturally, Art had been able to beat him due to him being used to it more. 

Asher listened and gave it a try while aiming at the training dummy. Just like the videos and Art said, he lower his level and got closer to the dummy. Then with all his force he pushed off the ground and let his arms and back release the pressure from holding the lowered position. This transferred the force and his fist hit the dummy with a lot more force which pushed the dummies head upwards. 

"Damn! That crushes hands!" Asher had learned the very important lesson that came with the extremely forceful punches. They had an equal backlash. Luckily for Asher, he had not done any damage and just shocked himself.