391. Odd History

"It's pretty clear that no one has had a chance to keep up on the gardening well. Look, the shrubs have yellowing leaves on them so they haven't been properly watered in a long time. The tree there, look, that should be a healthy apple tree. But those grey branches on the top are dying. That means it was left to just grow without any care. I might not be able to save it." The group watched as Jackson started to evaluate every single blade of grass or flower growing around. 

"I'm pretty sure that this has been on the market for like, three years, But it was apparently made by some writer who had a hit novel. He wowed the fantasy genre then threw money around until he ran out and moved to Mexico. Super weird but hey, he did what he liked." The background on the mansion was a little odd but no one really questioned it. This was just another fact about the place that Art seemed to have already decided on buying.