405. Heart To Heart

The group had split up shortly after they had studied and eaten. Art had left Asher and Cara downstairs to focus on the moves he wanted to use. As much as they could have studied more he was too set on the new joint break down moves he could use against an opponent. He believed that it was the best way for him to be able to beat Asher and Jane in their next sparring match. The harder he worked the closer he would get to the victory he desired. 

"Do you really think he will beat you and Jane? Last I saw Jane was equal to him when using super powers. He already did a lot to catch up to her." As much as Cara wanted to see Art win, she knew that Jane was working just as hard. She had been training with Jane and getting along with her a lot more lately. It was partially because Jane would come around Asher and was not afraid to put Asher on track. But it was also because Jane genuinely worked hard and wanted to help others become better versions of themselves.