Day 30.5

Two figures wearing some kind of advanced sci-fi black combat suit with dimly-lite lines that held a neon color were standing in front of the house that Don's group made into a base. Avidity, who had the pink coloration of lights, ran along her suit, looked towards Ego, who had the dark green coloration of lights running along his suit. She heard Ire's voice coming through her earpiece and responded in turn. "Same here! We are just about to finish up." Avidity would respond before releasing the earpiece. Her suit would light up, and the core would glow. A frame-wire design appeared near her hand, and once it finished, it looked like some kind of handle. She took hold of the handle, and after a moment, some kind of ultra-bright pink light would usurp forth; however, instead of it standing up straight, it fell limp. The weapon looked like some kind of sci-fi laser whip.

As for Ego, the same thing happened for him, but instead of a whip, it was more like a rapier. No one was outside; everyone was pretty much inside doing their own thing when they heard a loud sizzling sound along with a metal ring coming from the front door. Rebecca was already in the living room. She took hold of the shotgun and aimed it at the front door. She didn't like that loud sound or what it could be coming from. She even had this uneasy feeling. Ryan had been passing by when he saw Rebecca, "What's going on?" He didn't like the look on Rebecca's face. "Don't know, but I don't like it. Take everyone to the basement and stay there." Rebecca would remark. Ryan was confused, but when he heard Rebecca shout, "Now!" Ryan raced to gather everyone to the basement.

Not a moment later, the door would fall, and Avidity pushed through the front door. Rebecca's eyes went wide when she saw what it was. She didn't understand, but she knew that whatever it was, it wasn't friendly. She pulled the trigger and the shotgun fired. Several clangs could be heard from Avidity's armor which caused her to chuckle. "How primitive..." She cracked her whip and swung towards Rebecca. Rebecca brought up the shotgun in defense, and the whip cut it clean in two. Rebecca released the two pieces, but the heat from the whip caused the gunpowder in the shells to go off, which exploded the gun. The force caused Rebecca to fly back towards the walkway.

Rebecca looked to her side to see Ryan was closing the basement door. Ion and Jessica were coming up the hallway and saw Rebecca on the floor sitting against the wall. "The hell?" Ion exclaimed. "Ion!" Jessica called out to him once she saw something coming directly at him. She reached to touch Ion then used her Seed Power: Warp to teleport them away from the crackling of the whip and in front of Avidity. Ion reacted quickly and used his Seed Power: Limiter Release to land a solid punch to Aviditiy's armor which caused it to dent to the force and the woman to fly through the door and outside of the house. Ego, who had been standing outside without a care in the world, looked towards Avidity, who was laying the ground groaning.

"Ha... that position suits you." Ego would remark as she saw she had her legs wide up open like some kind of street whore; if one could see, he was grinning arrogantly. "Shut up." Avidity would growl while standing up. Ion and Jessica would make their way to the front. Ego looked towards both of them. "Ah, the members of the Rosario Group. The unsightly boy and ugly girl. I didn't expect you to be here." Ego would remark with disgust while simply standing there.

"Good thing we were. Now I can pay you back in full. I'll be sure to beat your ass into the ground." Ion would crack his knuckles while approaching Ego. Jessica threw a fireball at Avidity which caused her to fall back onto her rear since he was trying to get up. The attack did pretty much no damage, but the force pushed her back to the ground, which caused her to growl. "I really think you should stay just like that. It suits you." Jessica would remark with a grin. Ego snickered, "At least someone agrees." Ego would comment. "This bitch..." Avidity would growl.

April was coming out of the master bedroom to find out what all the commotion was about it. That was when she saw Rebecca against the wall. Her eyes went wide. "Becca!" April shouted and raced towards her. She knelt down beside her to see she had been severely injured. Burn marks were all over her body as well. Rebecca looked up from the ground to see April. "Hey... April, be careful... those people aren't... normal..." Rebecca would comment weakly before passing out. "Becca!" April called her name. "Becca!" April called again while looking her over. Natalie was coming out of the master bedroom as well when she saw April and Rebecca. Natalie used her Seed Power which gave her eyes a vivid brown glow. She looked over Rebecca and saw that her lungs were still working and her heart was still beating. There was no internal damage, but she sustained burns along her body. "She will be okay. Help me move her to the bedroom so I can treat her." Natalie placed a hand on April's shoulder. Natalie was worried about what was going on outside since she could hear something coming from outside. Still, for now, Rebecca needed to be tended to. April would nod and help Natalie lift Rebecca to her feet, then helped Natalie bring her into the room to perform treatment right away. Natalie had made the master bedroom a nursing office when it wasn't in use. So everything was already set up and ready just for cases when someone came back injured.

Ion was evading several thrust attacks that Ego was pressuring him with. "Stop moving, boy! Let me just skewer you!" Ego exclaimed with annoyance. Ion snickered, "Nah. I'd rather just beat your face in." Ion would find the opportunity to slip in, and when he did, he landed a solid hit on Ego's visor, which caused it to dent with the force and Ego to stumble back. "You brat!" Ego exclaimed while turning back to see Ion had jumped up and slammed his knee into Ego's visor, which sent him to the ground. Ion would land and turn around to try and stomp on Ego's visor, but Ego rolled away just in time. A small crater formed around Ion's foot. In fact, his foot was pretty much above ankle-deep in the ground. "Awe... you dodged." Ion would remark while Ego quickly got up and took to a defensive stance. "You aren't the same... where did all of this power come from?" Ego would mutter and glare at Ion, which could be seen if his facials were visible. Ion would shrug, "Don't know what you are talking about. I've always had this Seed Power. I just didn't think you were worth going full force on, and I was right." Ion would reply and take to a battle stance. If one looked, his veins had a pure red glow to them.

Avidity was cutting down fireball after fireball; she scoffed since it seemed like it was endless. "Ha, you think you can hit me with those? You must be out of your damn mind; besides... your power is too weak. You'll never damage me!" Avidity snickered; she would crack her whip for Jessica, who would use Warp to avoid it. Avidity adjusted her attack and cracked her whip again. Jessica would duck under the whip before using Warp to teleport in front of Avidity. "Boom Bitch..." Jessica would grin wide with her palm placed against Aviditiy's chest. An explosion occurred, and Avidity was sent flying towards the street.

"OI, Jess! Don't burn the house down!" Ion called out when he saw the explosion. "Never look away from your opponent, boy!" Ego took this moment to strike Ion down. Ion shifted his glance towards Ego with a grin. "I wasn't planning on it." He would duck under the attack, spin on his heel and turn his body while bringing his foot towards Ego's chest. A perfect backward kick. Ego was kicked through the fence and towards the streets, which he slid beside Avidity. Ion would stand up straight again. "But it's okay if you break the fence!?" Jessica called out towards Ion, who would shrug and shake his head. "We can fix the fence, but if the house is gone, that's it." Ion would reply. "Oh... Yeah." Jessica would remark, which caused Ion to sigh heavily.

Both of them would take to the streets where Avidity and Ego were standing up. The damage done to Ego's armor was massive, and just as much was done to Avidity's armor. It would take quite a bit of time to repair; however, it seemed both of them were standing up perfectly fine. "These fucking kids..." Avidity would growl and place a finger to her earpiece on her visor. "Lax, care to help instead of just sitting on your ass?!" Avidity exclaimed with annoyance. "Yeah, alright... I thought you two would be able to handle two kids, but I guess I was wrong." Lax's voice came over the comms device with a soft yawn. Off in the distance, Lax has perched on top of a rooftop building with some kind of high-tech sci-fi-looking sniper rifle. He would take aim and hone in on Ion before firing off a shot. It sounded like some kind of high-powered plasma cannon was be fired off. Jessica saw a bright beam coming towards Ion and dashed towards him. Once she touched him, she Warped to a safer distance. An explosion occurred in the place where Ion and Jessica were. Once the dust that kicked up cleared, a large crater was left in its place.

Jessica and Ion appeared at a relatively safe distance away. "Holy... shit..." Jessica would remark with surprise. Ion was just as surprised. "Thanks, Jess." Ion would comment after a moment, and Jessica would nod and release him. "They have some pretty strong firepower. I bet Don would love to get his hands on whatever weapon that was." Ion would remark with a fearless grin. "Nope! I wouldn't let him. If I had that, I could blow anything up!" Jessica would remark. It was as if their current situation didn't faze them one bit, which seemed to anger Avidity and Ego.

"The hell was that Lax!? You missed! Best fucking shot, my ass!" Avidity exclaimed with anger. "I'll say..." Ego would agree with annoyance in his voice. "If they teleport, then I can't hit them. How about you deal with the porter chick first. Until then... I'm... going... to sleep..." Lax would yawn before seeming to doze off with a snoring sound effect. Since they left the comms open, they could hear him sleeping peacefully. If Avidity's face was visible, one could see her brow twitching. "This bastard..." She would grumble. A hefty sigh came from Ego, "I knew it was a terrible idea to bring him along. Should've brought En, or Fam... at least they would have done something." Again, Ego would remark with annoyance in his voice.

"Well, whatever. I guess we'll just have to deal with these two before Ire gets here. I told him we were about to finish up. I didn't expect to be delayed like this." Avidity would remark; she would crack her whip several times, which seemed to straighten it into a blade; in addition to that, another weapon was beginning to materialize in her free hand. It looked like a boom-a-rang. As for Ego, his rapier seemed to morph into a long sword, and in his second hand, a short sword would appear. Both blades had the same plasma-like glow. "Agreed..." Ego would remark.

"A boom-a-rang?" Jessica would scoff. "Please like that could be a weapon." She would add. Avidity tossed the boom-a-rang towards Jessica, which seemed to soar towards her at an average speed. Jessica just laughed since it looked like she could easily dodge it, but her eyes went wide when it suddenly disappeared. "Uh... what?" Jessica looked for it and squinted her eyes tightly, but they went wide again when the boom-a-rang suddenly appeared in front of her a second later. It gave off a radiant glow just like the whip Avidity had and the two swords that Ego had. Ion pulled Jessica to the ground without a second to lose, and the boom-a-rang flew right over their heads a split second later, then returned back towards Avidity's side.

They were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but Ego was coming overhead, trying to slam both of his blades down upon them. Ion would roll over with Jessica in his arms and quickly get to his feet afterward. Jessica would follow suit, and both of them took to a defensive stance. Avidity would toss her boom-a-rang before cracking her sword to change into a whip and lash out at them. Ego was rushing them down with swing after swing. Covering any opening that may have been open. This onslaught of combined attacks was now taking everything Jessica and Ion had. Ion boosted his Seed Power: Limiter Release to its maximum; this increased his overall speed and power that left after images of himself. Jessica had connected herself with Ion with Shared Sense. There was no visible aura, but instead, Shared Sense could be similar to Roses' Seed Power: Link. The only difference was Shared Sense was not as strong. They only shared their five senses. Sight, Smell, Hearing, Taste, and Touch. They could not feel each other's emotions or the beating of their own heart. If anything, they could feel the wind and heat of the weapons they were evading, but it wasn't on as high of a scale as Link was. Shared Sense, if anything, was more like a level or two below Link. Jessica wanted to use Warp, but she couldn't find the time to, and if she did, it didn't necessarily mean they would be safe upon arrival.

"Damn... this doesn't look soo good. I guess they weren't serious before." Ion would grumble even though he still had this grin on his face. "Neither did I. Though... I guess they are with The World Government... so it makes sense." Jessica would reply. Both of them could only defend, and even if it was just that. All Ion could do was dodge just like Jessica. They couldn't even parry since all of the openings were being covered.

"Lax, wake the fuck up and kill them already! They are pined down," Avidity would exclaim over the open comms. "Huh... oh... uh... yeah... sure." Lax was rudely woken up by Avidity's banshee screaming, so it took him some time to set up. Once he did, he would prep another shot then take it. "Okay... all set. Zeroing the targets now." Lax would comment before pulling the trigger. Once again, the sound of a plasma cannon going off echoed throughout the area. Ion shifted his glance towards the shot, then back towards Ego, who was still pressuring him until the last possible second just as much as Avidity was. "Hey, babe... I can't warp us out of this one. So... I just want you to know that I love ya." Jessica would shift her attention towards Ion, who looked towards her and saw a loving smile. Ion would close his eyes and embrace her. "I love you as well..." Ion would remark, but just before the bullet collided with the ground, both of them were pushed out of the way and sent a great distance away. Ion's eyes went open to see what had pushed him. His eyes went wide. The person who pushed them out of the way was the last person he expected. He didn't understand how or even why they were able to do it. They weren't near the house, so the person couldn't just run there. Even if they did come ahead of time, how did they have enough power to shove them out of the way?

What he couldn't understand the most was the smile on their face. It didn't make sense to him. He didn't get it. Why would someone be willing to throw their life away for someone they didn't know. The explosion went off, and both Jessica and Ion were propelled even further. Once the dust cleared out, a crater was left with no remains. "H-Huh?" Jessica looked around to see they were fine, but then she looked towards Ion, who was wide-eyed as if he had seen a ghost. "We are safe?" She asked curiously. Ion would grit his teeth and close his eyes tightly. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" Ion shouted at the top of his lungs and punched the ground, which caused his fist to enter the earth up to his wrist. "WHY!?" Jessica had never seen Ion act like this before. It was then she realized what happened. Someone sacrificed themself for Ion and her. "W-Who?" Jessica looked towards the crater, but there was nothing. "WHO!?" Jessica exclaimed and looked towards Ion. That was when they heard someone fall to their knees behind them, along with a voice that said one word in a voice full of disbelief.
