Day ---5 (Night 104-3)

"Again..." Don thought to himself when he heard those words. Four words that came from a stranger, four words that made him wonder and think. He didn't understand why these four words made an impact on him. He couldn't understand.

"Are you going to let go?" Don asked since Nat, the femboy, hadn't released him yet. Unlike when he heard those words coming from Danielle, a stranger, his reaction this time was mild. Even though he didn't freak out on the inside, he wondered a lot on the inside.

"Is this some kind of message? I know I am not alone. I am trying my best to keep everyone alive. I will keep them alive, so why is this the second time I've been told this, and by two strangers no less..." Don was thinking on the inside. Melissa hadn't said a word, mostly because she didn't know what to say.