Day 3--2 (Day 122-3.6)

After Nat explained what he saw on Donathan's face, they felt even more ashamed of themselves. The only person who didn't feel ashamed was the wasp woman, but she hadn't even said a single word thus far. She decided to just listen and gain information on her potential mating partner. She held no emotion towards the man but merely wanted him for his seed. Still, if any of this information could help her, she decided to take it in.

"Nat..." Triss began to speak before stopping since she didn't know what to say. Her mind was running wild with thoughts. It sounded like Don had gone insane. Nat described Don grinning like a madman while tears ran down his face and his eyes held insanity in them. It truly sounded like Don was broken, but it didn't explain why Don was getting stronger if that was the case.