Day ????

Shacked and strung up by chains of black and white was a man with a deadpan look in his eyes. The look of someone who had been broken, the look of someone who was tired, the look of someone who had given up. Surround this man were scenes on display like a slideshow, showing him everything he was working against and what he had been fighting for. It was all there, displaying all of his promises and oaths, all of his vows, all of them.

Yet, it showed just how much of a liar he truly was. How he also failed to keep his promises, how he failed to keep his oaths, how he failed to keep his vows, how he failed all the time. His friends being eaten alive, stabbed, burned, crushed, exploded, or even worse off before finally being granted death. Over and over, again, and again, it was all there.