Day ---4 (Day 124-3.3)

"Raided?" Isabella inquired with a gloom expression. She wasn't too fond of that word. Everyone noticed it, but no one said anything about it. "Yes. Has no one tried to raid this place or take it over?" Hilda asked. She had been curious about this Faction Outpost for a while. She had heard rumors of how luscious this land was. How clean the air was and how fair the water was.

Although, due to her position with Femme Fatale, she couldn't leave her Faction. That and she didn't want to. She hated being around men and knew that if she stepped outside of her Faction, she would end up killing a man. Yet, that was back then before her eyes were opened, and this was now. She was slowly becoming a changed woman, giving men a chance and being more accepting of them.