Day 126.13

"Alright, here's the plan. We will split up into three group types: Vanguards, Damage Dealers, and Supporters. All of the Vanguards will be tasked with keeping the attention of that titanic golem. This is so our Damage Dealers can break through and get to the core to take it out. Our supporters will be those who can heal or offer enchantments." Noah started going over his plan.

"Henry, Rebecca, and Ion will be our Vanguard team. I came up with these three because they have the best chance to avoid the golem's attacks. Ion can heal and increase his power; meanwhile, Rebecca can use the elements to help her evade. As for Henry, I am sure he could handle it. He has fought these mutated bugs with his bare hands before. Am I wrong?" Noah glanced towards Henry to make sure he was okay with his position.