Day 132.1

As they entered the city slowly, Rebecca's features showed just how anxious she was. Her mind was flooded with many thoughts. What was Don doing? Was he okay? Why was he here?

Most importantly, where was he being held? It wasn't that she didn't trust these people, but considering what Don was capable of and how this place seemed fine, she wondered if they captured him or something. The guards did lower their guard when she told them who she was. So, maybe something else happened here. If so, what was going on?

The others could see just how nervous she was, and Henry decided to move over and sit beside her. "Rebecca, is he here?" Henry asked softly to try and not alert the others. Henry's presence drew her attention, and she looked towards him. Her eyes registered him before her ears did, and it took a moment to progress Henry's question since her mind had many things on it. So, she was pretty much just staring at him for a solid moment before answering.