Day 133.16-4

"What the hell is this? Where am I!? Katelynn? Lilly? Anyone?" Tim shouted as he hastily looked around since he was surrounded by darkness.

"Tim!? I'm here Tim! Where are you!?" Katelynn called out since she could hear Tim's voice, but she could not pinpoint it.

"Tim? Katelynn? Is that you? Where are you?" Lilly was the next to speak up as she to tried her best to find her friends in this darkness.

A deep sigh escaped a man's lips before a snap was heard, then a bright light burned ferociously between Tim, Katelynn, and Lilly. The light illuminated the darkness and showed that Vermillion was standing in the middle of them. "Looks like we were dragged to some kind of sub-space. For a split second, I saw our shadows' widden. I suppose it is one of the Shadowkin." Vermillion said aloud, but it was mostly to himself since he was making a statement. Although, it was pretty clear that he looked exhausted, especially since he didn't seem to like these Shadowkin.