Day 133-18

"So, let me get this straight. You will take me to Donathan, let me take him back with us, and in exchange you want to come with me? But, there is no catch, like at all..." Fam was baffled, stunned, completely in awe with what was going on. How could he not be? What has just been stated seemed absurd.

"Percisely. Now are you going to accept this deal or not?" Tyrone remarked, getting rather annoyed since this was the like the sixth time he had explained this to Fam. It was almost as if the man was trolling him or something, maybe even buying time.

"Yeeeeah, that's gonna be a hard pass from me, mate." Fam said with a dismissive gesture. The response was not something Tyrone expected. Even Sarah was surprised since she knew what Fam was after. Why would he pass up the chance to get what he wanted without any hardship?