Day 150-3

A little over a week passed when Rebecca and the others left. During those days, everyone underwent training in their own way. Lilly talked with all of her summonses and tried to figure out how to use them. She even tried to get in touch with her own spirit, but it seemed like Rayla was refusing to talk with her. Nevertheless, she became more confident in knowing she could control and utilize her summons, now being capable of using two at a time rather than simply one.

Vin was still angry, upset even, but as he watched Boss train on his own alongside Jen, a fire burned inside of him. Not that of rage, but a passion unlike any other. He understood now why he was so upset. It wasn't at Boss, or the situation, he was upset with himself. He wasn't strong enough to stop Boss, he didn't have the strength like Tim did to stop John. So, he set his differences aside and asked Boss to train him.