Clishya's Past


Acacia Town was a large town, the largest she had ever met, in fact, and it was filled with many people of varied races, there were even other frog-kin she sometimes met to talk about their village, every one originated from the same village as her.

She slowly adapted to her work environment and tried her best, she didn't plan to work on this forever, but until she gained enough money… After three years of living here, however, she slowly grew way too fond of all the people here.

Due to this, it was very hard for her to even fathom the concept of leaving now…

However, she still was saving money, as she had not even explored all the world she wanted to see.

She sometimes missed her family, her siblings in the orphanage, and wondered how they were.

Sometimes she felt lost, thinking why she had done this, why did she leave the shelter of her village to explore the wondrous yet dangerous world outside…