First Fight: Mochi & Kokoro VS Kaguya & Sadako 5


Mochi and Kokoro had fused together, and what emerged from such fusion was…

A beautiful Vampiress of over two meters tall. She had four crimson-red eyes, and four arms, each arm held a large weapon made of crystalized blood, and even black horns grew in her forehead as her long and crimson-red hair waved around by the wind…

"This is the weirdest fusion method I've seen in my life." Said Frank.

No matter how weird the fusion method was, however, the important thing was that the fusion itself was tremendously strong! It exuded an aura of great power from within her, as it looked upon her adversaries with no fear.

She seems to have completely switched her personality, as if a completely new and different person was born now, unrelated to the previous two.

And this was because… it was. Partially.