With the passing of his mother, the brute Stein had become stronger outside, saving up his feelings and bottling them up, he became cold and silent, of course, that wasn't the case for his beloved siblings, all of them, without exception, were the treasures of his life, which he took care of and protected.
However, as the time went on, the Landlord began to ask for pay as he realized he had been completely ignoring this area of the village, and began to quickly profit from the bountiful harvests of the people. Even in Germany, the greed of landlords was endless, and just like it happened to Gustavo in the past, Stein's family began to pass through hunger as there wasn't enough food in the table to feed so many.
In an act of desperation, Stein began to go hunting, until he brought something to the house, he wouldn't come back. That way, he began to bring several rabbits, birds, and anything else he could find around and catch with his strength.