Troublesome Man


Dan had emerged out of nowhere! Apparently, he used his Illusion Magic to stealthily sneak behind everyone's back, not even Frank, who was relaxed, was able to discern him! his power over illusions was already at almost the level of a god, it would take Frank's full power to see through it with his powerful Starlight Eyes.

He had acted friendly as he seems to have been spying on them, he thought they would be badmouthing the people, but in fact Frank was merely curious and disliked offending people unless they were his enemies and had really pissed him off.

"Clementine seems to have a plan in mind, and I believe it might be something more than what you think…" said Dan. He suddenly emerged behind Kuro out of thin air, he had been sneaking using illusion magic all this time.

"Eh? You're here?!" asked Frank.

"You!" said Orb.