Another Day In The Shop


"Oh! Miriam, welcome…"

Frank was greeted by the young Miriam, who had come last night wanting to buy a monster egg, but Frank couldn't let her buy it for such a cheap amount of money, so he ended deciding to give her a job and pay her, after all he needed more personnel, only himself wouldn't be enough.

Maybe Gwendolyn can help him out in the shop for now, but he also wanted employee's native of this world if possible. He ultimately wanted to leave things to his employees so he could explore the world without having to leave the shop closed, using a clone might do the trick though.

Miriam quickly walked inside.

"Mister I never asked your name before…" she said, as she entered the building once more and was suddenly greeted not only by the dragon girl, she saw the other day and the monsters, but there were now two fox-kin in front of her.
