A Conflict Of Culture And Races


"Mom… Dad… I am back… after so long… I… I am sorry for being so far for so long…" she sighed.

"V-Vheslia… Is that you? Are we not dreaming again?" asked her mother.

"Please tell us this is not a dream…" said her father.

"This is not a dream… T-This is reality… really." Said Vheslia, as she smiled warmly at them.


The two parents rushed towards their daughter, hugging her tightly with their arms. The two kissed their daughter's whole face as well, as their tears got all over Vheslia's clothes…

Frank smiled faintly at the scene; it was very cute. Seeing Vheslia reuniting with her parents was something truly heart-warming to the core.

Just how long has Vheslia been away from her parents?

Really, she should had told him about this way earlier, and he would had brought her here asap.