

By giving our child all the compassion and love it required to break the shell that it created for itself, the baby was able to come out of this dark dimension, absorbing it to itself as we were suddenly brought back to reality. It felt as if time had not even passed, Gwendolyn looked at the two of us with surprise, wondering what had just transpired, the egg had disappeared and on Axitl's arms, there was a baby made of darkness now, a baby that seemed to exude an aura of pure void.

But I couldn't bring myself to feel afraid of this aura, I had to embrace it and love it tenderly, as it was my dear child that I was looking now, I decided to love it no matter how it looked, even if it could not show emotions, or how it truly was, perhaps it was still shy and insecure of creating a proper appearance, but I really didn't cared, I just wanted it to be healthy and happy, that was the only thing I wanted for my child.