Frank VS King Arthur


The Legendary King, Arthur Pendragon. A man that Frank never thought he could ever meet! But at the end, such a figure still existed, and lived in a Parallel World, and to boot, he resulted to be a fragment of the Emperor's true soul. The honorable King of humanity in the world of Camelot challenged Frank to a fight!

"Show me, youngling, what you're made of! A true king must have charm with the people, it must be knowledgeable about tactics, it must have reliable companions… but above all, they must have the strength to back up all their words!"

The radiant blonde man smiled defiantly as Frank couldn't help but smile nervously, although he had already killed two of these five, Arthur somehow just gave a completely different aura and vibe than Chaos or Cronos himself! Despite being merely a human, he was someone so high and mighty that his very aura… his very presence was like that of a mountain!