Fighting Ms. Moore

Ms Moore left Joey in the room and wheeled Rayla into another one close by.

She pondered what to do with the little girl, she saw them as her little play toys now and giggled helplessly remembering all the fun she had last night.

Take her organs? She thought about the expression that her brother gave her and she started to hatch the most devious plan she plays she could.

Ms Moore went for her went for breakfast and kept the brother and sister locked up in their respective rooms, She went to a candle that seemed rather out of place and pushed a button in the wall and went through.

On a Sky Warrior Base Mainland

Latitude: -28.43110, Longitude: -17.83687

A large bull-necked with veins wriggling through his arms was trying to reach someone over the radio.

"Angela Moore come in! have you managed to find those bastards.

On the other side of the phone, a middle-aged man with a rough voice and wrinkled eyes was urging Ms Moore for a report.

"Calm yer tits Commander Chrisrock, If those bastard come here I will capture them but no-one has come as yet if they do I will make sure you are notified."

"Dammit, they might've caught on to our trap. We have no idea who the inside man is! Special Agent Moore, make sure you don't jeopardize our mission by blowing your cover."

"Yes, Commander Chrisrock" Ms Moorewas annoyed with the constant order that she had to follow.

"Don't worry about the mess make sure you get them today!, I'll send Noami to clean up and take you back to base. Carrying on any longer is pointless".

Commander Chrisrock voice boomed and made his message clear, he shut down the radio and reclined his chair.

"Commander, Do you think Special Agent Moore will be able to carry out the mission" His rather stunning secretary with graceful curves accentuated by her skirt fixed her glasses and addressed Commander Chris Rock.

"The only reason we have here is that she can hack anything on this planet, she just needs to lure the targets there and we can continue with her deal" He plainly said.

"Very well commander, the superpower program has been deemed ago and we have had several units report successful battles in first and second skies" The last started reading notes.

The man chuckled under his breath "Very good it's finally time to turn the tables".

Commander Chrisrock reclined his chair looked at the ceiling of his office and smiled.

Night had fallen again and Joey was able to wake up during the day and play possum.

He looked in his chest and saw the scalpel still covered by blood, slightly hidden in his chest.

He heard Ms Moore walking through the walls and I tried his best to use his vibrations and make a general assessment.

He couldn't locate his sister and it made him depressed, he didn't want to have to look around this godforsaken place any longer.

He waited until Ms Moore came to satisfy her sickening pleasure.

He could hear her laughter reverberate through the thin walls, He looked at his golden ticket to escaping lodged in his chest stopping his blood flow and hidden by his blood.

Joey heard Ms Moore walking up and down the halls concocting masochistic her masochistic plans and it put him on edge.

Joey waited for her to come in but he heard no noise, He waited a couple of hours and Joey hear the door open and in the saw Ms Moore strolling in like the demon in humans skin she was, her dark eyes were something that Joey dreaded but he had a trump card and he was ready to make good use of it.

"Hello, my little stud muffin I see you have been doing well".

Ms Moore came in with a formal shirt and tie, she looked like she was gonna do some sort of roleplay.

Then Joey's face went pale. He watched her drag in his sister while still being knocked out.

Being kept on drugs to sleep was not good and anyone who wasn't a doctor could tell.

"What the f*ck are you doing, you bitch!" Joey shouted as he watched her take the take out a brand new scalpel and rubbed it along Rayla's cheek, she smiles seeing Joey's reaction.

"Yes Yes, more of that reaction MORE! "

She started to cut Rayla's skin just like she did with Joey.

He felt himself going insane then he reached the point of no return. He stopped screaming and his eyes grew cold.

He looked at Ms Moore motionlessly, his pulse thumping in his ear like a jet engine, his eye shone brighter and it gave a blue glow.

Ms Moore saw him stop screaming and was slightly dissatisfied.

"C'mon why so boring? do you need me to force you to make those adorable expressions".

She looked into his eyes and saw the faint glow in his pupils but she tossed it off as something normal.

"You think you can act all tough!? Isn't she your sister?".

She stopped cutting Rayla after Joey failed to react how she wanted to.

Ms Moore marched over like a thousand man army and slashed the scalpel into Joey's thigh, craving the desire she sought.

She looked up at his face and seemed to expect some kind of reaction but his face was still cold as ever, she realized that the bedframe was slowly cracking all over but realizing that didn't help her at all because it was too late.


Joey broke through the cuffs and took the scalpel Ms Moore left inside his chest and slammed it into the side of her head. This was a single motion, hardly a second that could even pass.

The only thing Ms Moore felt of her head leaking excessively, She stumbled backwards knocking over everything off her torture table.

Joey rushed to his sister and crushed all the handles that held her down.

Joey was calm his body had no feeling it just followed his desires.

He was slightly upset that the scalpel didn't pierce straight through Ms Moore's brain, but he lifted his sister off the table.

Ignoring the staggering Ms Moore, Joey ran out the door and found his way to the bathroom.

He hurriedly grabbed on some clothes and wrapped his sisters wound, his machete was finally on his waist and he left everything else because he was carrying his sister.

Joey was breathing heavily running staggering throughout the house.

"C'mere ya little shit!" Ms Moore shouted.

Her psychotic expression and her deranged voice eerily travelled throughout the halls.

She burst through the wall right in front of Joey's face with a canon that shone bright red.


Joey slid on his knees and the cannon blast flew over his chin.

Joey didn't know why she was insistent on hunting him even though he injured her.

Joey had no time to regret coming to her house, his injuries were starting to bleed again and he had to deal with her cannon blast blew half the house away and the alarms of distant cars could be heard.

Joey threw his sister across the floor and grabbed his machete.

He had enough and would want to avoid any fight that he could have but he could barely run much less fight.

"Ms Moore, please allow us to leave".

"Honey I'm sorry please don't leave me, I beg you. You said we would be together forever are you gonna change your mind now?!

It's not my fault I'm like this you did this to me! you have to take responsibility!"

Joey stood silent, the cannon in her hand whirring like a spaceship.

"Ms Moore you are mentally ill but if you so much as take another step, I kill you" Joey finally saw his way out and was ready to die for it.

Joey couldn't feel sympathy for a person who could torture him, she had to be aware of what she was doing. He was on his last straw.

"I promise, I will take better care of you, honey. I'm sorry I didn't before".

Ms Moore started sobbing and the whirring sounds of her cannon were getting louder.

Joey clenched his machete and mumbled with his bleak voice.

"I will kill you somehow"