Panty Shopping.

Before Joey could ask the man to elaborate he disappeared into the crowd, Joey looked held the fire and started reading it to cure the curiosity in his heart. The flier was straight to the point and it.

The flier was for a Martial Arts competition that was being held to scout talented young people to enter Sky academy, Joey was ebullient and happy— this was his ticket to a better life.

Joey folded the ticket and finally decided where he needed to go, The Martial Arts Center.

After making his decision Joey started to make his way to the Martial Center. The Martial Center was 2 kilometres away from Joey's current position, he asked for directions every five minutes and made an abundance of wrong turns.

An hour later he finally reached the Martial Center, he stood at the bottom of a fleet of steps and looked up at the entrance wearily while panting on his knees and this never failed to catch some looks of the people that were around him. After he caught his breath he merrily marched up the stairs, but no before he was stopped by the security.

"Kid, you not allowed like this, you think this is a children's home?" A security guard with a stocky build squeezed by his uniform, the man was simple but his voice gave a strong sense of dominance that Joey couldn't help but acknowledge.

"Sir I don't quite understand, please elaborate," Joey said, he was confused about what the security meant.

''Kid, I'm not trynna be disrespectful but look at yourself and the people around you and you tell me".

Joey looked at himself then looked at himself and then looked at the people around him—then he realized what the security meant, the people around him were in training suits and weapons shown in full view. People that were going in were wearing better clothes than a plain shirt and shorts.

"Get it now kid? pick up something from across the street you can't train those either, so I'm not trying to be the bad guy" the security said going back to an attention position.

Joey was happy with the fact the man gave him a chance to change and went across the street to where he recommended, he walked into a store that seemed to cost the least, it was decorated in many shades of purple and was. As he walked through the automatic door he could see non-stop clothes on end hanging from the ceiling and on the walls and shelves.

Before Joey could take in the sight of the store someone quickly addressed him.

"Hello young sir, how may I be of assistance?" A merry young girl around Joey's age with orange hair and excessive make-up cheerfully remarked.

Joey was taken away by her makeup and didn't "I'm looking for something to train in and some shirts, something simple," Joey said.

The girl retreated into her thoughts then said "Sure follow me".

"Eisha do you have this one?" a lady from around the counter called out and to but the girl only smiled back while leaving Joey and going off into the backroom.

After Eisha left the backroom she came with an array of different clothes with each finger holding different shirts.

"You can choose anything you like", she said with a smile on her face.

Joey looked at the shirts and tried on a 'few' that he like just to look at himself in the mirror, he opted for the ones with the simpler designs—unremarkable and plain not much different than T-shirts. In the end, he chose a simple shirt and a pair of jeans pants.

"I'll take these" Joey said with a happy smile that radiated happiness, getting new clothes were exciting for him— the new clothes smell was something he couldn't get enough of. His bag with his clothes lost when Ms Moore blew herself up.

"Excellent, altogether there are 600$ with a discount of course," Eisha said with a content smile on her face.

Joey expression turned grim, he was already on cloud 9 about getting new clothes but the price he heard instantly made him feel dizzy.

"I can't pay that" Joey regretfully muttered under his breath.

"What did you say? Eisha asked as her expression increasingly got ugly, did he say what she thinks he said?.

"I'm sorry but I can't pay, but I don't have the money," Joey's face looked pitch black as had to repeat.

"What?!, After you try on all those clothes and now your gonna tell me you can't pay when you walk in here like some sort of money man? I tried not to judge you because of your clothes but I was stupid!" Eisha was awedde with rage.

"I'm sorry I only have 570$, If you can get me anything lightly used I'd be grateful," Joey said. He a single beast on the first day and today he only carved one beast and he wasn't able to carve up more today and he used some of the money to buy food yesterday not to mention having to pay for the upcoming hospital fees for Rayla.

"Dammit, that can't do shit!" Eisha said losing her previous composure.

"Sorry for the inconvenience," Joey said depressed as he began to walk out, As he tried to walk out of the store the precious thought of leaving without anything made him even more depressed. He looked up and his face turned bright red when he saw what was hung on the walls around him, Lingerie, brassiere, revealing nightgown and some other things that looked like a 'back massager' that Joey has never seen before.

"What are you doing here?!" Eisha came from where Joey had just been with the same bright red blush on her face.

Joey was startled and tripped tearing down the wall of panties and brassieres on himself, Joey quickly got up but he couldn't see. He took off whatever was obstructing his sight and his heart sank as he looked at the Eisha who was seething with rage looking at the Thong in his hands.

"I……sorry... I-Its not what you think", Joey wasn't completely clueless he knew this was something he shouldn't have in his hand.

"Just drop it, now I have to clean all this up!" Eisha shouted.

Joey didn't do anything else but drop what he held in his hand and stood to the side in shame, he stared dumbly at Eisha cleaning up Joel wasn't far from the kiddies section.

He took to himself and looked around while she was cleaning up and saw the little girl clothing not too far away from where he was and thought about Rayla not having any clothes, he tapped in his pockets and sighed.

Buy her clothes or not?

"Hey… can I see your cheapest variant of, these" Joey asked as he lackadaisically held up a small pair of pink panties with a teddy bear stitching?

"What? You like this??"

Joey was prepared to start explaining himself in earnest but Eisha's reaction surprised him, she asked no questions.

"I can sell you these for cheap 5 dollars apiece," Eisha said with glee emanating from her eyes.

Joey was confused about why she was ecstatic and this made Joey slightly confused, No questions? Why was she so happy about selling panties?.

Eisha seemed to know what he was thinking about and said "I made these bad boys myself, I have a thing for fashion". She took an awkward pause while waiting for a compliment then added, "I can sell them to you right now and I have a lot more". Joey heard this and was elated, at least he didn't have to leave empty-handed.

Before he could answer she grabbed him into the back, Joey could tell she was rather strong which caught him off guard. Around the back, she grabbed a box with underwear and showed them to Joey.

She looked at him with a scornful look and said in a disgusted tone and asked "Are you a pervert?".

Joey couldn't help give a mental facepalm.

Now she realizes!

Joey gave a struggled smile and quickly dismissed her claim, He explained his sister in the hospital had loose bowels and was running out of clean underwear; after dismissing her rebuttal she allowed him to choose some.

"Do you really make these yourself? "Joey asked trying not to make the environment too awkward as he picked out panties for his sister.

"Yeah, I was saying but you never listened," Eisha scoffed.

"Do you have more?"

"How about we formally introduce ourselves first, my name is Eisha Nelk" Eisha smiled as she offered a handshake

"Joey Wells," he said while shaking her hand.

Joey picked the rest of his sister's new underwear even new clothes and they were quickly packed by Eisha, the total was 60 dollars and he got her more clothes. Joey felt good about his purchase and made him forget that everything his size was too expensive.

Just as Joey was about to leave to try his luck elsewhere when Eisha asked "Are you an Orphan?"