Dragon Stone.

(AN: I did an oopsie. It was supposed to be dragon stone, not a pendant. Flat stone with a dragon small inside)

Joey looked at the stone with anxiety and swallowed it dumbly, he ignored the furious Sajin and he realized what he did.

Sajin's face went pale when he saw the blood around his mouth.

"Idiot the dragon's blood will kill you! what were you eating!"

He quickly tried to feel if anything was wrong with him but he never felt anything apart from his eardrums throbbing filled with the curse words Sajin was cursing at him.

This got the attention of Sina who was far away.

She rushed to Joey and checked if he was doing, Joey felt something was special about the small stone and didn't want to lose it.

It was like a homeless person finding a gem he didn't want to lose.

Sina looked at him curiously then said "Kid do you really feel ok? How much blood did you drink".

He cupped his hands, "This much… maybe more".

"And you sure you're ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine". Joey lied, he didn't swallow any blood, he just swallowed the stone and explaining the blood otherwise will be impossible.

"I'll be damned if you think this is ok, you were hiding something!" Sajin shouted and Lance and Waynard made their way down to the commotion. "Little Joey, did you hide something?" Waynard asked.

"No, I wanted to see if it was gonna make me stronger," Joey said seriously not wanting his face to betray his words. Lance rubbed his chin and spoke "I hate to tell you this, but if your ok then you have to go to a lab.

Dragon's blood is too powerful for humans to consume so if you survive that means we might need to run some tests on you."

Joey hated his twisted strings of bad luck, he just needed to get out with the pendant.

He could feel it slowly going down his throat and it hurt but he couldn't show pain.

Just then a surge of energy burst in his body.

He instantly heaved up copious amounts of blood, he fell to his knees while he held his throat that was unable to take in air.

His head hit the floor and he blacked out.





"Dammit I knew that this kid would pull this shit, He wanted something from the dragon!" Sajin spat as he looked at Joey being carried off into a medic room.

It was about 4:30 in the afternoon. Joey had eaten the pendant 2 hours ago and had been blacked out ever since.

Sona already made haste and finished the Endra. Now it was fully processed and the different parts were being taken away by officials.

One of which was a doctor and was taking care of Joey since they were there. They were surprised about what Joey did and wasn't hopeful.

Drinking dragons blood was akin to drinking acid, It was stronger than humans and reacted like poison. If humans found a way to consume this blood.

They were in the medical room arguing about what had really happened. "That guy took something from the dragon and showed it in his mouth! I saw it with my own god damn eyes!" Sajin was on the verge of losing his final strings.

"We both saw the CT scans! There is nothing in the goddamn boy!" Sina sword started shining with a bright light again as she was ready to take off Sanjin's head in the next second.

Sanjin wasn't any slouch, there were literal flames on his eyes and fire would flare up from his skin rearing to fully ignite.

Waynard and Lance were both at their limit. They both knew Sina wouldn't kill Sanjin because he was a part of one of the first families and they would have hunted her tirelessly.

Killing Janores was like killing one of humanities hopes.

But that didn't mean Sina wouldn't fight him.

Maybe she would chop off his shoulders.

Sina on the other side was fuming with rage her sword was on the verge of bursting as she glowered at Sanjin and shouted: "Stand down you testosterone bastard!".

Does this bastard think I can't kill him?

Does he think he can bully me in name alone? Strength in name is Strength in vain!

The two were staredown at each other like an old school boxing event. They were no one else who could calm these two, the strongest at the base was lieutenant and they would already be the strongest.

Joey finally started to gain consciousness as he woke up with burning pain in his chest.


The pain felt like his throat was being opened without anaesthesia with a rusty scalpel. His face was red, and he was writhing in pain.

Waynard was secretly glad that he woke up now because the tension held him in place.

They quickly tied up Joey and watched him wraith in pain. Putting him back to sleep put him at risk of dying in his sleep. All they could do was wait outside the room and left the doctor.

Inside the room on the bed, Joey was kicking around on the table like a madman. Joey felt himself exploding but he was still in one piece, and his chest pains only lessened, He tried to hold his breath to pass out but the pain would always make him exhale.

A pity he didn't have someone to say don't eat gems out of dragons.

He writhed around like he was in a pit of red ants for a little more before he finally stopped. The pain subsided and he panted heavily.

With the preparation on his face and a look of dread, he finally started to calm down, but now a cool sensation filled his veins. Instead, power surged from his stomach all over his body.

He felt his body getting stronger and muscles contract, his bones felt renewed like they were washed off in the ice.

His body lost every ache, he had now he was in pristine condition.