In the Afterlife

Joey nervously walked up on stage, and reality started to sink in, making his world crumble. It all started as a regular match, both fighters walked up onto the stage. The stage was at least 30 metres on each side. It looked nothing more than a casual match.

Joey's mask garnered some attention and his heart was racing like a car on a race track, MayLion was already raring to fight clanging his gauntlets together. His gauntlet brightened every time they clanged them together; it shone and looked more robust. The gauntlets were big but the size never stopped him from throwing fast jabs.

Joey's game plan was to let the fight climax fast and force them into the Afterlife without wasting too much energy. As for how he would kill his opponent, he would think about that after his first plan worked.


Joey finally reached the stage. "Both Fighters Ready?" The referee shouted. Joey said nothing while the other agreed then the referee shouted "Begin!"

MayLion flashed toward Joey as the fight started, his gauntlets made a streak and he swung them, MayLion wanted the most pressure on Joey. As they collided and Joey countered a bunch of his attacks, it made Joey's arm feel like noodles from the collision. His opponent was very strong and was good at dodging techniques and meaning in feints with his attack.

Some punches landed on Joey sending him shooting on the sidelines, may lion hand impeccable movement, with one push off the ground he shot toward Joey, he swung the gauntlet forcing Joey off the way. The impact gave a "boom! That chipped debris front the stage and into the crowd.

The more May Lion swung his gauntlets the more debris kept flying from missed impacts. This was what Joey had been hoping for, although he was getting massive hate from the crown from his cowardly tactics, his dangerous dodging techniques where he would only move just enough for the attack to pass his body.

Whenever there was a time it looked like his head was smashed in, he survived. Some couldn't tell if he was lucky or a fool; some thought he was both.

He was always on the defence. Joey lured May Lion into attacking more, he was properly upset when he was missing by inches the more fury overcame his mind.

May Lion kept attacking when Joey slashed out in a dangerous slash, his sword slashed toward May Lion who blocked it with his gauntlets. He only made a knick on the gauntlets. In his stunning moment, May Lion threw out a jab that collided with his chest plate and blew him away.

The chest piece bent curved but didn't break.

"Sword guy isn't winning this, he has a death wish"

"That looks like a kid, sad, he was probably bought for this, he must have some ability to be here, the person who sent him couldn't be dumb enough to send someone week"

"Ain't none of my problems, I got money on eagle Gauntlets blowing of that showboats head"

Joey stood up from the hole in the ground. He was out of breath but he still held his sword up. "Good now we can have more fun!" May Lion shouted from the top of his voice. More people started hoarding around the stage because of this, anyone could guess this was an afterlife match.

May Lion clanged his weapons together, a sharp light washed the weapon again. If Joey had to guess it meant the gauntlets were getting stronger. May Lion always had a long reach that made it hard for Joey to get a fatal strike in.

Joey flashed and they both met in the middle. Metallic thuds wrang throughout the centre, they fought while flashing all over the arena. Joey took a lot of punches to the chest plate and their fight was finally getting the attention of most of the Arena.

Dents started to enter Joey's sword as well as the Eagle gauntlets, his sword was 2dc Cold steel and it was already in bad shape before the Afterlife. He didn't suffer anything that would affect his chances of winning, so it wasn't all bad.

The fight went on and raised in intensity the people started gathering around the ring. May Lion stopped fighting and now they were looking at each other panting. May Lion had a few cuts around his wrist and the right while Joy had one of his chest plates cracked.

The stage started to shift and raise itself into the air. All the damages were repaired, the lighting made it the centre of attention, the periphery was made and the large crowd.

"This is it, Time for the main event!"


"My Bulwark Petrochemical"

"Shares of the Weaponhigh LTD"

The crowd around the Stage were making a lot of noise with their shameless gambling shouting their companies. Inside the Center, the familiar croaky voice spoke into the Martial Center "Do these fighters wish to see the Otherside".

The voice had a more oppressive feel to it this time around that made Joey feel unsettled. He was too tired to even answer but May Lion agreed and that was all the voice needed then it said "Welcome to the Afterlife".

May Lion finally stood up and said, "May Lion, 36 years old, I'm glad you wore a mask. It makes this easier".

"I just want to leave" Joey sighed as he was not here to make friends, May Lion smiled "I will do my best to help you". He did start a dance and Joey let him finish, he was still too tired to do anything. His eagle gauntlets let out a screeching Metal clang.

"The End of May signifies summer" He stopped hitting his gauntlets and cold light burst from the eagles and gave them a scary look. May Lion stood in a wushu stance as his gauntlets blazed, his face had a minacious smile that made him more intimidating.