
"Five days? What are you insane?" Joey asked with a confused expression "Weren't you the one saying they could be running tests on her? How the hell can we wait that long"

"This is not up to me, It's only if you have enough talent," she thought of something then continued "I can force your body to past your limits but that will be painful. It might be faster but it isn't worth the pain."

She stopped and helplessly asked Joey "You want to do it the painful way don't you". Joey quickly agreed.

Mila sighed "He might be dumb but at least he got guts," Mila thought.

After they finished planning and the food arrived, Joey was eating when he heard Mila say "You want to know why I'm helping you right?"

Joey was caught off guard by the question but he nodded his head. Mila's face started to get a little red as she appeared shyer.

"I-I want a family" She replied shyly. Joey choked on his food that made Mila worried from his excessive coughing.

Joey's face also turned bright red from what she just said "I'm glad you feel that way but... I'm not ready for that yet besides your a lot older than I am".

Mila's face had a confused expression hearing what he was saying but her face contorted with anger and the rage inside her made her lashed out and slapped him across his face.

Mila made sure to hold back but that did not stop Joey from feeling like he had been hit by a truck.

His chair broke and his body flew to the ground. They once again got the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

"I'm sorry everyone, It was just a fly" Mila spoke. Everyone turned around half-heartedly accepting her explanation.

Joey sat back around the chair and the first thing he did was apologize.

"Did you think I would fall for a kid like you?" She rhetorically asked "I.....I just want us to be a family. You see... I can't have children and I never had a family of my own nor can I make it. So I made up my mind to adopt a child as my own."

Joey looked at her flustered expression in shock.

"I don't have to be your mom. I can just be your aunt or something. I just want us to be a family. If you don't want to It's fine was dumb anyway." Mila quickly added as she started to blush again.

"N-no I'm just shocked, If you don't mind I want to be a part of your family. I hope your willing to accept me and my sister"

Mila smiled with satisfaction "Thank you for trusting me, I promise to treat you properly and I will adopt you guys as soon as I am allowed to.

Now eat up, We will save your sister. I have somewhere picked out where we can live, It's a long way out in the mountain but we can train till our heart's content" she said with glee, Joey never saw her act like this before. She seemed like a kid.

"Why can't you have children if you don't mind me asking" the mood quickly turned glum after he asked. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

"No, it's alright, I guess if we are going to be family I need to start telling you stuff" she sighed then continued "My mother died when I was young, then I was abandoned by my father around the same time and like most orphans I was kidnapped by an evil syndicate and force to work."

"Enigma 7?"

"Yes, those guys I kept working there but when I turned 12. That was when-" Mila struggled to find the right words for a moment "That was when I started getting molested by one of the grunts. I was going through puberty at the time and had yet to develop."

"He gave me lest work hours but that didn't mean shit when I had to get touched by him every day.

Then one day I finally had enough. I used the toothbrush that they gave me and sharpened it for months. The day finally came when I turned 13 and he wanted to go to 'the next step'.

The day on my birthday was the last time he touched me. I stabbed him in his eyes. He was a lot stronger than me at the time so he gave me a good beating before he bled out after I stabbed him another 100 times.

After that, I ran. I knew that they wouldn't let me live since I killed someone. By then I had already planned my escape, I looted a lot of value from the room he would molest me in and ran away using the map"

After that, I was dumb enough to trust someone that said they would help me and they forced me to fight in afterlife matches Until I grew used to killing people. I will never forget him his name was Jucon Henshaw"

Joey felt the name was somewhat familiar but he never paid it any mind and allowed her to continue.

"It turned out that one of the things I stole from the Enigma 7 Base was a cultivation technique. I used it to the 3rd awakening and escaped from Henshaw.

Then I was taken in by COTN. I was just like you, I never knew who to trust but they all treated me nicely and I managed to recover from my injuries. It was there I figured out my injuries prevented me from having a baby. I stayed there for about a year and left when I was 18 to keep fighting in Afterlife matches to get scouted by the military.

I'm supposed to get the role of a lieutenant and I plan to work hard just the same and become stronger." Mila opened her eyes and looked to see Joeys eyes were filled with water.