Annoying Pillars

"You are going nowhere!" Sajin shouted as he slammed his fist into the ground. Soon after a dozen flame pillars instantly shot up. Joey could no longer ignore his movement as he felt the dangerous blistering heat shooting in his direction.

He instinctively jumped back and a pillar of flame singed his hair as it shot out to the ground like a geyser, the ground was hot enough to start melting his shoes.

"Bastard!" Mila shouted as she slammed, she was angry at the cheap shot that he had launched at Joey. She slashed her spear then sent a green slash to his soldiers. Sajin was forced to diffuse the blow for his soldiers. Sajin knew she was planning to make his escape.

He had no time to do anything, Mila slammed her spear on his chest but it was blocked by his combat suit that only developed a dent. "Damn bitch"

"I'll make you my son, come try me" Sajin was properly angered by her eagerness. She was trying to buy time for her partner to run away; it didn't take anyone special to see they were planning to escape.

"Get him! Don't let that bastard getaway!" The other soldiers reacted and shot toward Joey. Mila couldn't do anything, she could only hope he could hold out for long enough and not fight them.

She continued to fight as Sajin slowly moved her away from the hospital, the hospital had taken massive damage from broken windows from the wind.

Mila couldn't focus entirely on her fight as she was trying to keep an eye on Joey.

"Don't worry my guys won't kill him, I'll turn you guys into the Military, then kill you, Of course, if you try and kill me I will naturally defend myself" Sajin stated. Mila only clicked her tongue, She was properly angered, her eyes even turned green and her aura manifested as skulls.

Like a roaring dragon, her spear descended onto Sajin janroes. He never looked scared, he just laughed "You lot, do you really look down on me that much!". He burst out into a volcano of flames that lit up the sky. Their auras fought against each other and exploded with each flicker.

Joey was running alongside them as they fought. They were on the edge of the first but all signs of the forest were now gone. The trees best and swayed under the mercy of their superpowers. Joey wished he had time to spectate the fight but he was under the pursuit of soldiers and they were all zipping around him. They were faster.

He tried his best but to no avail. Mila had strictly told him not to fight but he wasn't getting away at this rate, he was going to get killed.

"Bastard take off that mask! Do you think you have any chance of leaving?!"

"Leave the girl and we will stop following you, what calls for attacking a hospital just to kidnap someone."

"If you stop right now your sentence will be lighter, that bitch will die if she keeps fighting Lieutenant Janroes."

Joey could tell that Mila was on the back foot during this fight but he already decided to trust her this far and he wasn't going to stop halfway and he kept.

"Hmph!" Someone coldly snorted "You won't fear death unless you see the casket!" A man flashed in front of Joey with gauntlets on his hands. He slammed them in the ground and they were clad in the earth.

"Jiki! Don't kill him, we need to take him in!" Shouted one of his squadmates.

"If he refuses to reply, I'll hold him over death's door!" Jiki said as he stomped on the ground like a sumo wrestler then a pillar of the earth came from the ground. Joey jumbled and started skating over these pillars. Whenever another one would appear from the ground he would jump on top of them and use them to run away.

Joey fled from the man's direction and ran into the trees, hopping branch from the branch when voices in the trees sounded around him warning "Jiki! You haven't reached the last awakening! Don't attack him recklessly lest you make a mistake, remember what we learnt".

"I don't need any training to get rid of a brat like him, why are you lots just tailing him! There is no point in tailing him if we don't capture him" Jiki was riding on a pillar, he had an earth element that he used to shoot himself in the air with pillar "Stand down now or die! ".

Joey tried to dodge him in his ascent, but he would always jump on the ground onto another one in rapid succession.

Joey carefully watched the man's movement and continued to dodge each of them quickly. Jiki was growing tired and he fully committed and made one large pillar shoot into the air in front of Joey.

His judgement was perfect, practically flawless. But it was all a trap, Joey sped up and he made his way upon the earth pillar and burst into a mad speed. Jiki had yet to get his hands out of the pillar he had ascended on, his hands were stuck.

Joey drew the spear from off his back and slammed it into his body. The force of the strike blew his arms into a bloody fog that splattered on Joey as he flew into the ground. Joey never wasted any time looking at his kill, he kept running for dear life.

The other soldiers saw everything that happened but they were unable to save him as they were only able to watch as they were all in formation. It was only after the tragedy had happened that they were able to arrive but the culprit was long gone.

"Dammit! That bastard he killed Jiki" shouted a soldier in anger.

"There is no point in crying, he dies off his own foolishness. Find him, get into position!" The soldiers left their comrades' bodies as they rushed off into the direction that Joey had gone in.