Going hunting

"Rayla, I'm going to go get your brother now, It shouldn't be too long," Mila said as she walked out of the house leaving Rayla with lots of food to last until she came back.

"Mila, are you ok?" Rayla asked worriedly, her face looked deeply troubled.

"Honey, why would you ask that? Does it look like something is wrong with me?" Mila asked surprised.

"You were crying every day for the past week, while I was sleeping" Rayla sheepishly said. Mila's face froze, before she awkwardly laughed, "I-I am Fine sweety, I was just laughing, yeah that is, just laughing."

"Then why was someone telling you to shut the fuck up?"

"Rayla! Don't say that word!" Mila lashed out, she saw a scared expression on Rayla's face and quickly tried to comfort her. "Honey, I'm sorry just wait here ok? I'm going to go get your brother and we're going to spend the most awesome time as a family".

Rayla looked reluctant, it never made her feel any better.

"How about I make your birthday cake taller than you?".

Mila said this and Rayla quickly turned happy, "Don't worry Mother, I will have the place spic and span by the time you come back" she said with glee.

"Just don't overwork yourself, ok sweetie?" Mila warned but Rayla was already inside. Mila's heart fluttered when she heard what Rayla called her.

As Mila turned around a heavy expression fell upon her face. She quickly disappeared into the forest after Jacob.

After a few hours running, she became more tired and sweat dripped off her face like she had been running for days. She reached the sheer cliff that Jacob climbed, she looked around for a minute and could play out events.

"Seems he never gave up at least' She chided, looking around more she saw the jaguar that had been hunting him. "Poor soul, I never imagined he would do this to you, I can't imagine the look on his face when he saw it." Mila looked sympathetic toward the jaguar.

"I'm surprised he never just gave up, he really is a stubborn kid isn't he, doesn't even know what to do with his own strength" she chuckled, then looked up. She could discern some broken rocks on the cliff ledge.

Mila chuckled to herself while looking at this, "This kid thinks he is smart, but he is still too young".She leapt from the ground causing a booming sound around her, the wind passed around her and she reached the top of the cliff, where she landed safely.

As she looked around she saw more signs that Joey had been here. "Joey, has some really shit luck, what could have attacked him?" Mila was somewhat confused by the scenery, but she followed the trail until eventually, it stopped.

She had been following a hole in the ground for a while until it eventually turned in an opposite direction. Which she was reluctant in following.

"Seems he had some brains on him, but he shouldn't be too smart, he barely knows how to fold his clothes." Mila thought inwardly, she became reasonably lost on where he could be until he broke it down.

"He most likely went toward the forested area, that place has the most food. He is not foolish enough to think he can take me head-on, plus the other places are too out of the way." Mila began to scratch her head, soon she heard a barrel of monkeys swinging from the trees.

She never had any special feelings about these monkeys, but she saw some broken branches. Mila scrunched her brows when she saw this. Monkey's who did this all day were not likely to break branches while they were travelling, this led Mila on a string of thoughts.

Did he travel through the trees?

Is he trying to throw me off?

After Mila thought about it more she shrugged.

"He can't be that smart"

She picked a direction in the forest and flew there with incredible speed. She feels trees and kicks animals out there habitats.

The scene was like a bulldozer flying through the forest. There were times when Mila got lost and went off her judgement. She tried to look for anything else that might have been done by Jacob but she was not able to discern anything that seemed out of the ordinary.

This caused her to go in a random direction off of intuition.

"Maybe I should have followed those monkeys back there but that would have taken me days. I don't plan to spend all day looking for him" Mila said looking back, she had no idea where to go next, she could only follow in the general direction.

After going for another few miles, she began to wonder if he had gone to the right place. She reached a lake that looked eerily silent. She scanned over the lake where she found something under the other side.

Her sight was strong so she quickly recognized it was a crocodile with the side of its belly burst wide open. She leapt over the river, though she was not very far above it.

As she unknowingly jumped over the croc-infested water, a large crocodile leapt up from the water with its jaws wide open to swallow Mila.

"Hmph!" Her eyes turned cold and she punched toward the croc. Her signature green ghost-like powers surged from her hand and flew into the mouth of the croc and blew him into pieces.

Mila continued over the lake where the crocodile laid dead. The smell of blood was thick and putrid from being subjected to the scorching rays of the burning sun.

Mila was forced to hold her breath, "Well at least he looks like he hasn't been idle this past week, but surely he doesn't think this can beat me". She was surprised, but this would be enough, she looked toward the laceration in his stomach and saw pieces of meat sliced out.

She followed the trail all the way to a campsite.

"Just what the hell did that little rascal do hear keep some kind of part?" She wondered, soon the ground bear got up and saw Mila. It froze not knowing what to do, he quickly scrambled away and dug into the ground.

"...well that was weird"

She walked toward the sight and inspected the fire. There hadn't been any attempts to conceal its existence which she found weird. She walked further when her feet sank a little in the ground, soon a rope concealed over some left quickly tried to wrap her feet and hoist her upside down.

She quickly cut as she shouted, "Is this all you can do Joey? 1 week and this is all you can come up with?",

Now she knew Joey was close but she couldn't sense him.

She slowly walked forward, when she stepped on another soft piece of ground. This time a large log came swinging where she was, she jumped out of the way where she fell to another trap.

A cage fell on top of her, but it was made from sticks.

She flung the flimsy thing aside, but a boulder already reached over her head. Mila quickly retreated but fell into more traps.

Underground spikes, falling trees even being buried by landslides. She had evaded them all, after doing all this and not seeing Joey she became annoyed.

"Boy get out here this instant! This is not what this training was for!" Mila shouted in rage, still, Joey never revealed himself.

Mila out of pure frustration slammed the ground with her spear.

The shockwave of this ran through the ground but simultaneously caused a tremor.

At first, Mila was confused but she never had time to think, the ground below her started to sink, as the ground below her gave way.

This occurrence was likely coincidental to Mila.

The ground hundreds of meters around her had fallen. Soon trees oddly fell above her head, in a pattern that would conceal her exit from above.

Mila too lazy to do anything allowed it to happen.

Soon she was completely blocked inside the pitall, she quickly became angry.

"I swear when I see that boy I'm going to turn his ass red!" She never bothered breaking everything, she saw it as a waste of energy.

She began walking out of the ground when she stepped on something soft. She stopped thinking she was subject to another trap, but nothing happened.

She looked closer and saw an eyeball staring at her.