Rayla Birthday

"W-wah!" Joey jumped from his sleep, he looked up to mee Mila looking at him with a displeased face.

"Your finally up sleepy head, You've been asleep for 2 days now. Your food has been spoiling" She placed a cup of water on the table beside her.

"You need to get wake up it's Rayla's birthday"

Joey jumped from his bed in shock.

"Was I really sleeping for that long?"

He looked at his body wrapped in bandages from his neck to his ankle.

"I changed them, You seemed to be dreaming about someone special" Mila smirked and Joey blushed trying to cover himself.

"I'm just troubling you, Get ready. After today you won't be able to eat this much food again."

After that, she left the room.

Jacob ate the food that was beside him. Even if it was cold he never cared.

He got dressed and went downstairs.

"Where is Rayla"

Joey noticed that she was nowhere to be found. He half expected her to be running around the place.

I gave her an anatomy book this morning. Ever since then she never bothered coming out.


Joey never understood it. He knew she had read a lot about her disease, but never thought she would be that interested.

He moved to the door to go outside when Mila stopped him.

"You're going to help me here"

As she said this a line of ghost powers latched underneath his foot and stopped him.

She swiftly puller her foot back and dragged him into the kitchen.

'What the hell is this overpowered superpower? She can even attach it to me!'

Mila forced Joey to mix the batter until his arms are cramped. He did this then helped with decorations until night fell.

They sang Rayla happy birthday and gave her presents. Mila gave her a surgeon kit that Rayla instantly took a liking to.

Joey upwardly have her his old makeshift spear and tried to sell it as something great. She accepted but she was still displeased.

"That old thing, Really?"

Mila pinched him secretly and furiously whispered but he was at a loss for words.

They began to eat, while they were eating the conversation came up about the Sky Academy tournament.

"Don't worry. I'm confident I can get a place in the academy, If I had a superpower, I'm sure I had a possible chance of winning"

Joey boasted, he had perfect control over his aura.

"You shouldn't be so confident, Out of everyone there the strongest should be early-stage rank 1. You are at the second awakening without a superpower. Don't get a big head, It's always easier to hit"

Mila never liked his ego and gave him a piece of reality. Joey went quiet, he never had any form of rebuttal.

"Tell me about the layout of the tournament," Joey asked.

Mila thought back and then told him.

"If I'm right there should be 10 thousand competitors in the first round. From what I heard there is a possibility of a battle royal. After that only 200 can proceed through the next rounds.

If you put on a good enough performance they will accept you even if you are knocked out. But the first to be knocked out will not be accepted. Ever. If you arrive in the last 200 you have a higher chance to be accepted."

Mila thought for a while before continuing.

"Dropouts can enrol in the military as infantry but will have to wait for another chance to become Sky warriors. You can also kill other competitors, most important figures will have someone to save them "

Jacob was perturbed slightly.

"Don't worry, I will be there nothing will happen to you"

Mila could understand what he was thinking. Joey gave an awkward smile then switched to conversation to involve Rayla.

They all talked enjoyed the rest of the night. Dancing, drinking and eating food. They never had television or internet, but it was never boring.

They all slept that night. From that day onward Joey would practice and meditate diligently. Joey would wake up every day and practice his martial arts. Then he would mediate with his aura to make it calmer and more refined.

After which he tried to perfect his energy blade to produce slashes which would prove a lot harder.

The day of the tournament arrived.

Joey was the first rise from his sleep. He had trouble sleeping the night before, he felt nervous and excited. He didn't know what to expect from the tournament but he knew he would feel better once he was there.

Nevertheless, he left the house where he practised spear combos with his energy blade. He seemed a lot more comfortable with his weapon and his body started to develop a muscular frame. His body was built on lean muscles and his back was fully formed.

This made his moves precise.

As Jacob was admiring his physique, he heard someone leaving the house.

"Looks like your excited"

Mila walked out in her bed clothing, he had no idea how long she had been watching him.

She had her normal voice, so Jacob knew she wasn't going to randomly start beating his ass.

"I'm just trying to work out some nerves" Joey answered truthfully.

Mila chuckled "Well that's only normal, How about we spar a little"

Jacob's face looked weird and slightly annoyed. Mila's kind of "spar" would tire him out.

"It's nothing like that, I would even dress. It's just so you can stop feeling nervous. It's better than fighting someone that's not there."

Mila reassured him, she progressively got closer.

Jacob agreed and took out his spear.

He rushed toward Mila sending a blow to her legs. He jumped and extended her legs where Joey miraculously dodged.

She quickly brought her foot down in a simple but powerful motion, It caught his shoulder slammed him to the ground.

Joey twisted his body on the ground to look up at Mila. He spun his spear aiming for her ankles which she dodges taking her foot from his shoulders.

"Toes? Really?" Mila asked perplexed.

Joey simply shrugged and continued his spar.