Outlines in the Dark

Kai came by the edge of the forest, peering into the clearing. He remembered just a few days before how he had done this exact same thing, except with a dozen times more effort.

He had to crawl through thorns and sit in a bush for hours and hours to try and stay careful and safe, afraid that any miscalculation on his part would mean the kappas would tear him apart.

Now, the kappas were behind him as loyal followers. How things could change. Though he was still a huge way from being legitimately strong in this world. Even becoming leader to the kappas nearly cost him his life and took a grueling, brutal battle as its price.

Even now, he had to keep his wits sharp, staying behind the cover of trees because if he stepped out at the wrong time or he was just a little but unlucky or he made one mistake, he could die in an instant.

He manifested his levelled-up status to see what he could work with, and also because he was curious as to what the level up did for him.


System Level: 2

EXP to next level: 0/100

Active Bloodlines (Max 3):

- Kappa

- Suiko

- Nue (Degraded)

Current manifestation switch delay: 1 minute


-Blood of Zahhak


-Sense Power

Collective Ability Charge: Active

Resource Levels:

Biomass Stock: 85/100

Mana: 50/100

Essence Integrity: 100%


Kai noticed that his power, or mana as his system now called it, had restored itself quite a bit. He had used it almost all up using the suiko's invisibility, but now it was almost back to half.

[Sensing the host's thoughts. Explanation: mana is restored naturally through physical and mental rest as the body absorbs it through the air or through other sources.

Consumption of magically potent biomass will restore power quickly but resting in a mana laden environment will also passively increase mana.]

'Gotcha,' thought Kai. 'Then everything I've been doing that hasn't involved raw physical abilities has been magic?'


The system does not yet recognize fully what magic entails, but the system can state that all activities the host has performed requiring the use of mana is consistent with the host's current observation.]

'You really are learning with me. Tell me, then, seems like every time you say you're 'accessing the Collective', you get to know more. What is this collective thing?' asked Kai.

[Error. Unable to provide answer to host's inquiry.]

'Ok whatever. So long as you're keeping me alive, I got no complaints' Kai shrugged. 'I'm going to manifest the Nue's traits now.'

Kai looked into the knowledge his system implanted in him about the Nue's powers. For now, he could sense three unique abilities it had.


Nue Bloodline Abilities:

Lightning Strike:

The ability to generate lightning from the body. The closer to the core of the body the lightning is generated, the stronger it is. This also provides significant protection from lightning based attacks. Does not cost mana to use, but will drain physical stamina in proportion to the lightning output.

Heat Sense:

Requires both fur and eyes to be manifested. By standing still and focusing, it is possible to expand out a field of thermally sensitive consciousness fifty feet in radius. Any living organism with sufficient internal body heat will be detected. Does not cost mana nor stamina, but this ability cannot be used while moving. Can be used while moving utilizing (Passage of Stormy Clouds).

(Passage of Stormy Clouds):

Requires at least 30% of the host's essence with the strength of this ability growing with essence sacrificed. Conjures up dark clouds to cover the host, creating a barrier repellant to magic based attacks. The host may will the clouds to carry them, effectively simulating flight. The clouds may also be used to create stronger lightning strikes and will passively auto generate strikes as well.

Costs mana to utilize.


Kai noticed that the (Passage of Stormy Clouds) was specially indicated in his system to show that it cost mana to use. He also noted how expensive it was. Using it for ten seconds would completely drain him, making it more than triple the cost of the Suiko's invisibility.

[Sensing host's thoughts. Warning: There is a current limiter on mana that prevents the host from tapping below 10%. Below 10%, there arises significant complications to the host's mental state as side effects.

Current calculations are insufficient as to determine the exact nature of these side effects but avoiding them is paramount to the host's continued survival.]

'I already don't have a lot of mana to work with,' thought Kai. 'That gonna' get any better? Leveling up and whatnot?'

[Affirmative. The host will continue to increase his capacity to hold mana as his levels increase. However, both mana and general physical capabilities will cease to increase significantly after a certain threshold.]

'Good to know. Have to make sure I survive to even reach that threshold first before I really start worrying about it though.' Kai steadied his attention to the clearing fully now.

It looked largely normal. There were a few smoky black patches in the grass from lightning strikes, but it did not seem like the Nue had been actively targeting this area.

The monster had probably just gone on an uncontrolled rampage, and the erratic arcs of its lightning strikes happened to strike here. In fact, judging by the numerous black spots littering the cliff face near its nest, the clearing was probably just at the fringe of its lightning strike filled tantrum.

And now that the storm clouds were calm, it did not seem like the Nue was going to come back anytime soon.

Kai felt so very tempted to just walk back to the clearing and go to the stream. Because a fat prize, literally, awaited him.

Floating atop the water was the dead Hanzaki, its huge, rotund outline still and blackened by lightning. Its corpse was stuck on one of the rocks floating in the stream, preventing the strong current from washing it downstream and out the edge of the mountain.

However, at any moment, the current might pick up and dislodge it, washing it away forever.

Still, he needed to be careful. To hold back a bit. If he was just by himself, he would have considered going for it. But the kappa were relying on him now too. He had to be more careful not just for his own survival, but for that of those behind him too.

He manifested the Nue's static sense, growing out long white hairs around his face as the skin turned a bright, angry red. His eyes turned yellow, gleaming with sparks of electricity, and his pupils narrowed down to the tiny, emotionless dots that belonged to the Nue.

Orange and black striped fur sprouted around his arms, and he extended them outwards, using the Nue's sensing ability to scout out any potential presences in the clearing. The range was an effective fifty feet around him, and it was highly accurate.

[Warning. Essence Integrity: 60%

Advice: The host should not let essence integrity fall below 30% to maintain their optimal sense of self.]

'Never got this warning before with the Kappa or Suiko bloodlines. Why now?'

[The Kappa and Suiko bloodlines are highly compatible with the host's original human essence. However, the Nue's bloodline is significantly alien to the host, and as such, the damage to his integrity is much more severe.]

This made sense, at least, when Kai thought about it. The kappa and suiko were humanoid and could think and act in human-like ways. The Nue, though, was completely inhuman. A beast through and through.

Still, though, he did not need to dip below 50% integrity to use all of the Nue's abilities. He could manifest its lightning through any of its body parts and the heat sense relied on its fur. For now, he used the heat sensing.

It felt like when he closed his eyes and looked into his head, he could map out the exact outline of every living creature near him.

He could 'see' the nine kappas behind him breathe and shift from side to side, tense with anticipation. He could perceive little rodents and birds and other warm blooded creatures on the forest floor or in the tree branches.

That was when his eyes widened and his mind began to race. There were more outlines. Hidden behind him.

Outlines of figures he thought he would never see again.

The outlines of humans.