The Store, the Item Box and the Missions

I study the three icons and decide to open them.

The stall should be the [Store] Slayer mentioned a while ago.

Another window pops up with the word [S T O R E] at the top. But just as it fully materializes in front of me, a red message box flashes over it.


[Host has Insufficient Authority Level to access the [Store].]

[Achieve Authority Level 5 to access [Store].]

Authority Level 5 huh… I have a long way to go.

I open another icon; the one with a box. Once it's open, I read the words [I T E M B O X] on top of the window.

I'm a little miffed to find it empty. Oh well, I should probably fill it up if I have the time.

And so I open the last icon; [M I S S I O N S].

[Daily Missions] [Major Missions] [Main Missions]

[[Daily Missions] are missions/tasks host must succeed on doing every day. Unable to perform [Daily Missions] will result to getting transported to a pocket dimension filled with monsters.]

Seriously? Isn't that just basically throwing me somewhere to die?

[Successfully performing the tasks will generate rewards; <10EXPs> <5SPs> <20LPs>]

Ooh… I guess the rewards are pretty sweet.

I open [Daily Missions] and find a list of some sort of training regimen. I can't help but scoff as I read the list…

Daily Missions List (To be performed within the next 24 hours):

(-) Sit-ups – 100 (+) (-)

(-) Push-ups – 100 (+) (-)

(-) Running/Jogging – 10 km (+) (-)

(-) Curl-ups – 100 (+) (-)

(-) Pull-ups – 100 (+) (-)


[Note: Authority Level must be at least 5 before host can make changes.]

I guess the plus means I can add some more daily tasks as well as add how many times I can do them. I can also decrease them if I want. But I can't do that yet since I have insufficient Authority Level.

[Details: A healthy body results to a sound mind. Keep your body fit and healthy to perform any tasks given! Please remember to accompany it with proper diet and necessary rest.]

What are you, my trainer?

[[Major Missions] are missions/tasks given by an outside party. [Slayer System] will determine if a task given by someone else can be considered as a mission worthy to be listed within the system.]

'Worthy' it says.

[Failure to complete the mission will result to blindness and loss of motor functions for 12 hours.]


[Rewards (once completed): whatever is offered by the person who commissioned the task. System Rewards: <20EXPs> <10SPs> <4APs> <50LPs>]

At least the rewards sound appealing. Thinking about the punishment is already making me shiver.

But I guess if I will be given a task in the future, and it's something enough to be listed in the system, then I will have to do it no matter what.

[Note: Rewards for slaying/defeating enemies are different than mission rewards.]

So does that mean that even if the major mission is to slay some sort of monster, I will be given a total of three sets of rewards?

[Answer. Affirmative.]

Okay, maybe it's not that bad.

[[Main Missions] are missions generated by the [Slayer System] host must complete no matter what. Missions of this caliber are usually dangerous, world-defying and have something to do with the host.]

Okay, the last one got me curious.

[Failure to succeed missions under this category will result to DEATH.]


[Rewards given will depend on the level of difficulty of the mission. Possibility of [Item Drops] is available.]

It's just like in video games.

[Note: Rewards for slaying/defeating enemies are different than mission rewards.]

The same as [Major Missions].

I glance at the clock which suddenly showed up just a few minutes ago at the upper side of my field of vision.

It's already 4:30 in the morning. I have been studying the system for almost an hour now.

Maybe I should do the [Daily Missions] since I'm awake already. Besides, I do not want to find out what will happen if I fail to do it within 24 hours.


I huff as I perform the last push-up for the [Daily Missions].

I should probably call it daily morning exercise starting today.

I stretch my body once more. My body is, or was, impressive back then, but my current body needs some work to be done, obviously. I look too skinny and too small. But then again, I'm in the body of thirteen year old.

I suddenly feel warm and that's when I notice the rising sun. I can't believe I'm watching it on a beach at the foot of a mountain. Without the troubling thoughts of getting ambushed whenever I go out, it's actually quite relaxing.

[Congratulations! You've completed the [Daily Missions]!]

A transparent light-green screen pops up in front of me.

[Generating reward…]

[10EXPs Acquired!]

[5SPs Acquired!]

[2APs Acquired!]

[20LPs Acquired!]

I can't help but smile at that.

Things are still a little confusing for me at the moment, but I know I will figure things out as I live my life. Not to mention I don't seem to be part of any group or organization, and I'm not in danger either. Unlike previously where I have to constantly worry about getting assassinated (which I did), living as April Frost seems to be quite nice.

Apart from being stuck in the appearance of a thirteen year old that is.

Not to mention I have this sweet [Slayer System] skill that basically considers me a superhuman! I can become strong at this!

Even though I still have no idea why that bluish-white orb ended up becoming the [Slayer System] and what its goal is, I have decided to live my life to the fullest. I don't want to regret anything.

Maybe I should make that my goal; investigate what that bluish-white orb Slayer called the [Heart of a Primordial], and why April Nera and April Frost ended up merging.


[Generating [Main Mission]…]


[Main Mission #1: Unlocking the Secrets of the [Heart of a Primordial]]

[Mission Details: The [Heart of a Primordial] is the heart of the [Slayer System]. As a powerful relic, its origins and usage is a mystery. As its current host and due to your curiosity, you must investigate the origins of the [Heart of a Primordial] and learn its secrets.]

[Time Limit: N/A]

[Mission Rewards: <5000EXPs> <500SPs> <10000 LPs>]

Oh wow! Those rewards are sweet! Although I'm curious about the question marks and what is, the rest of the rewards are quite something.

But with those kinds of rewards, I guess it will take a long time for me to complete it. It also does not have a time limit, so I should be on the safe side and I don't have to worry about what will happen if I don't succeed in it.

[Main Mission #2: The Truth behind the Aprils]

[Mission Details: April Nera is April Frost, April Frost is April Nera. The two Aprils are one and the same but their origins differ. The host must carry out an investigation about the true identity of the individual called April and find out his origin.]

[Time Limit: N/A]

[Mission Rewards: <3000EXPs> <200SPs> <5000 LPs>]

The rewards are a little lower than the first main mission but I guess it's still a good deal. It doesn't have a time limit too so I can take my time in completing it.

The only question now is where do I start?

[Answer. [Main Mission] #2 Hint: Seek the individual called the Witch of the East.]

Ooh! A hint! I should investigate whoever that is later.

For now, I should probably return to the orphanage. If my new memories serve me right, April Frost is a sickly individual who has a low immunity. The people back at the orphanage will be worried if they find me missing from my room.

Hmm… Do those in the orphanage even know I'm currently eighteen in the body of a thirteen year old?


I stop abruptly from my pace and turn to the direction of the voice that called me.


A body just slammed into me and I fell to the ground.

"April! Klint!" the voice sounds a little panicked and I can hear the person, which is definitely female, get closer. "Klint! You know you can't just do that to April!"

Klint and Sylvia. They're two of the few people April Frost had taken a liking to.