The Guardian

I never thought I'd be plagued by nightmares again. I have always thought I already got over my fears and locked the memories of my village's massacre in my subconscious. But seeing a familiar face that probably ended up killing me again, is definitely not a good way to calm my mind.

Wait, I'm not dead yet. I think. I won't be able to think if I was.

[Answer. Host has survived and has unlocked the skill .]

Immortality huh…

Wait, immortality?


I scrolled to the skill list and there it is, . It used to be one of the skills with question marks.

Skill List:

Oh wow! One of the question marks got unlocked!

So Immortality can be a skill? I have Auto-healing though. I can only guess I received damage that not even can do something about.

[Host's body has been fully repaired.]


I guess I should wake up now.

I blink my eyes open and I find myself at the back of an ambulance. A raging fire is in front of me, eating the building I have considered as home for the last two years.

I have a bad feeling about this.


The voice belongs to Klint and when I turn to see him, I can see tears falling from his eyes. Sylvia is behind him, a blanket draped over her. Although she's not crying, her eyes are a little puffy.

Did she just stop crying?

"What happened?" I ask.

Although I already have a feeling what their answers will be.

"April… April, everyone's gone."


The scene of the demon and vampire clashing not that far from the orphanage pops into my mind. It's as clear as day in my head, as well as the blast of dark purple energy that probably wiped out the orphanage.

In conclusion, we have become collateral damage to the conflict between demons and vampires. And that only makes me angrier.

Sylvia and Klint lead me to an open space where the bodies of everyone that perished were brought. White sheets are draped over them, covering them. A while ago, Sylvia told me that when the police arrived the entire orphanage was already on fire.

Still is actually.

It seems like I was out for quite some time since the police already asked Sylvia to identify the bodies. To my horror, apart from the three of us, everyone else really did die. The three of us are the only survivors.

"The police is investigating it but I heard them saying it was probably a gas explosion." I hear Sylvia say.

"It's because no normal means can explain what really happened." I reply, my voice a little edgy.

I can't help it. The people I care about just passed away for being collateral damage to a conflict we did not even wish to be a part of.

I have decided.

"I will make them pay. I will become the strongest and I will make them pay!"

I will make them regret ever doing such a thing to us. I don't care if they're demons or vampires. I will make them pay.

"What will happen to us now?" Klint asks his eyes still stained with tears.

Klint's question is so hard to answer. We're orphans and many things come into mind. We can be transferred to another orphanage, we can be adopted, we can be put into foster system, etc. Not to mention I'm supposedly twenty right now.

Wait, do they even have access to my records? What is even entailed in my legal records?


The police officer calls us and asks us to head to the police cruiser. We start heading to the police station.

I think they're going to ask us what really happened. What should we even tell them? I don't think they'll accept our statements. Not to mention we're considered as minors, so they can't really ask us directly and expect us to give an answer without a guardian and a lawyer present.

Yes, I do know a bit of the law.

"We will continue investigating what really happened to Hope Orphanage. We have already called people to act as your guardians so we can get your statement." he suddenly turns to me. "You're April Frost right?"

I don't like where this is going.

"You're listed under a guardian so we already called her. I was told she's on her way here as we speak. We will just have to wait for her."

Right, I have a guardian. Then that mean's…

"What will happen to Klint and Sylvia?"

"We have called social services to handle them since they're minors with no guardians."

Curse my advance thinking. Now it's really going to happen.

"I'll take them all in." says a voice. I look up and gasp.

It's her. The young woman who gave me the [Heart of the Primordial].

"I already talked to social service. All three of them will be under my care now."

"I see. I'll leave you guys to get acquainted."

At least the police officer knows we need space.

I can't help but stare at the young woman. I knew she saved me seven years ago, but I did not expect she's my guardian. But then again, I never really met my guardian.

"Tsuchimikado Sakura." I call.

"At least you still remember me. Although I believe you'll have to call me Sakura Tsuchimikado here in the west."

"Who cares?"

"I see you still have that nasty attitude. You haven't changed. Speaking of change…"

She suddenly shoves her face in front me and cups my chin, as if studying me.

What the hell is her problem?

"So this is the price for letting you become the host of the heart."

The hell is she smirking about? Also, why do I feel like what she said sounded dangerous?

"I see. It's only fitting I suppose, since you're harboring the heart of an ancient god within you. After all, it's unthinkable for a mortal brat to become a host."

I want to tell her to stay away from me, but she's got a tight grip and I feel like what she's saying is a clue I need.

Still, our position is awkward so I don't have any other choice but to push her away.

"Stop being such a creep. The heart or whatever is obviously fine, and so am I so bug off."

"I guess it's not just your body that stopped growing."

What's that supposed to mean?

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Nothing. Anyway starting today, the three of you are under my care. Well, April can actually choose not to since he's originally already twenty years old, but he's legally and physically thirteen so I don't think the government will approve of that."

Tch. She did not have to remind me.

"Now come. I have already arranged accommodations for us. I will talk to my lawyer to complete the things here."

Wow. She's efficient too. But I need more than just what she said.


She looks me in the eye and gives me a questioning look.

"I know you're knowledgeable about that 'that' side. Everyone in the orphanage, you know they did not just die through normal means, right?"

"I do. Don't worry, I will investigate it. I will also arrange their funeral and burial before we leave the country."

Hmm? Leave the country?

"Leave the country?"

"As you've already guessed with my name, I'm not from around here. Since I decided to take you in, you'll have to come with me and live in my house. Now come on. You three obviously need rest."

She's suspicious especially when she's a total enigma to me, but her words did make sense. And at the very least, everyone in the orphanage will be given a proper burial.

It's everything I can ask for.